Tag: user-accounts

3 How can I disable network access for specific user? 2015-09-21T08:40:41.177

3 Being prompted to convert local account to a Microsoft account -- how to stop this? 2015-10-25T22:48:23.900

3 Do I really want my Windows login associated with my Live account? 2015-10-31T21:24:31.727

3 how to properly remove an administrator's account from server 2015-12-14T15:14:46.523

3 How do I create an account on Windows 10 without internet? 2015-12-27T23:23:25.170

3 What's the difference between a Hidden Administrator Account and normal Administrator account in Windows 10? 2016-01-12T11:37:15.023

3 Forcing Windows 10 to sync account settings 2016-02-06T23:23:34.580

3 Office365 Users SSO for Atlassian and Slack 2016-05-12T09:09:51.323

3 Difference between separate admin/standard user and admin with UAC/password prompt? 2016-06-15T09:22:55.653

3 How to create a new user with all privileges of the current user in Linux terminal? 2016-07-30T17:12:19.207

3 always run programs as administrator in Windows 10 2016-08-14T11:41:38.697

3 Is there a way to tell which other users have switched to this user? 2016-11-23T08:54:51.283

3 Adding users to VPN Server on Windows 10 Pro 2017-02-14T20:15:07.580

3 Does Windows log when a local user account is created 2017-03-10T19:15:48.900

3 Windows 10 - won't stop asking for a password no matter the settings 2017-05-29T18:32:13.093

3 Why do domain admins added to the local admins group not behave the same? 2017-06-14T11:31:28.003

3 Are all Administrator accounts on Windows equal? 2018-08-04T10:28:29.740

3 What is the minimal installation possible in order to run a .jar Java file? 2019-04-30T15:49:44.737

2 How to set a local user as "non-interactive" in Vista? 2009-07-16T18:15:23.963

2 How can I copy a Google Chrome installation from one user to another (or all) user/s 2009-08-11T13:39:41.083

2 How do you run windows explorer as a different user? 2009-08-11T17:36:56.703

2 Mac OS X Cannot Reboot when other Users are logged on 2009-08-30T13:05:57.297

2 Restrict user access in Windows Vista to only run installed programs 2009-09-05T11:32:10.390

2 How can I log into Ubuntu-9.04 as administrator or root? 2009-09-10T15:49:34.803

2 Can XP user name be shortened without reinstall? 2009-09-18T15:07:19.847

2 How can you find out who the administrator of a SharePoint site is? 2009-09-29T15:43:56.540

2 How do I copy a user profile when changing domains? 2009-10-04T00:32:17.973

2 What does it mean when I appear twice in the output given by 'finger', on Ubuntu 9.04 2009-10-04T22:58:26.933

2 How to make a Windows User Acount that can not change anything? 2009-10-30T05:14:06.427

2 Undesirable Two Different Logon Photos for Windows 7 2009-11-04T19:32:02.723

2 Logging in to Windows 7 with one specific user account is very slow. Why? 2009-12-22T13:46:26.833

2 Administrator account in Windows Vista 2009-12-22T14:06:38.117

2 Change user for automatic login 2010-01-17T04:24:14.560

2 Disabling log on for technical OS X user 2010-01-17T19:38:26.340

2 Consequences of changing a password in Windows 2010-01-20T18:53:16.217

2 Windows 7 domain logon takes too long 2010-01-21T05:42:44.400

2 Timeout a User Account? 2010-02-05T04:42:54.983

2 What's happened to my Windows 7 account? 2010-02-11T01:55:33.360

2 Temporarily adding my user to another system 2010-02-23T20:29:59.980

2 How can I stop ntbackup requiring my new password every time I'm forced to change my Windows password? 2010-03-10T07:20:40.220

2 How to create a user account for a child in Linux Mint? 2010-04-21T00:57:01.350

2 Creating limited user account on Windows 7 2010-04-29T09:23:26.140

2 Created User in Linux (Ubuntu) Without Creating a Home Directory - Causing Problems 2010-04-29T20:03:43.727

2 Easy way to restrict permissions in an elementary school computer lab? 2010-05-12T04:24:02.047

2 How is it possible to list all folders that a particular user/group has permissions on? 2010-05-28T02:33:13.087

2 How can I create a user on Ubuntu with the same permissions as the initial user? 2010-07-27T01:04:24.740

2 NGINX, FastCGI PHP with FTP Access, How to setup users/permissions? 2010-08-02T23:37:56.213

2 Shared Linux machine - block home folder access to other users? 2010-08-17T05:10:11.260

2 How to enable System Recovery Account in Vista and Windows 7? 2010-08-23T15:15:33.443

2 How can I duplicate a user account in Windows 7? 2010-09-06T00:25:54.130

2 How can I change my uid without opening another user account? 2010-10-14T10:11:04.247

2 Force a Windows 7 user to change password when it has expired 2010-10-19T01:10:00.737

2 How to associate a user account with another user account on a remote machine 2010-11-08T23:23:16.797

2 Find all permissions associated with a local group 2010-11-15T20:18:22.450

2 How to change folder where applications saves configs/data 2010-12-01T05:38:05.500

2 XP - user deleted. Now can't access data related to that user. 2010-12-17T07:02:24.077

2 daemons and daemon users (specifically transmission-daemon) on OS X 10.5.8 2011-01-20T03:09:10.113

2 How to get back-to-work with a Windows 7 PC that has no admin account? 2011-01-27T08:41:19.937

2 Haiku - change username from 'user' to something else? 2011-03-12T01:12:36.633

2 Taking access rights away from standard user 2011-03-22T11:01:08.380

2 Windows 7 - run program as another user while another instance is already running 2011-04-12T21:25:35.347

2 Someone hacked my pc, please help. (debug.log.sent) 2011-04-22T19:22:40.140

2 Can I move Windows 7 C:\Users more easily using 2 installs of Windows 7? 2011-05-05T16:31:51.797

2 How to delete user folders for old user in C:\Documents and Settings in Windows 2003 2011-05-06T07:06:22.767

2 How to avoid the login screen when returning from standby? 2011-05-17T11:27:03.877

2 The Ghost of "Maxpm (Admin)" 2011-05-18T11:46:06.527

2 Where does Collabnet Subversion store its user database? 2011-07-06T08:56:37.287

2 Snow Leopard reports other users, but who are they? 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

2 Add domain user as local admin in Windows 7 using VPN to connect to domain 2011-07-30T16:42:19.393

2 Is there a way to view user tracks in Windows 7? 2011-07-30T17:14:36.497

2 Permissions: Why do I always have to type 'sudo' before every command? 2011-08-04T19:37:42.367

2 Why is my Administrator name always changing to "zeus"? 2011-08-15T19:42:03.960

2 Disable Access to Drives for Limited Users in Windows 2011-08-19T18:50:59.570

2 How to clean out a user account properly? Windows Vista 2011-09-07T15:56:09.860

2 Windows Server 2008 - Scheduled Task Multiple Users 2011-04-11T22:52:47.213

2 Using the command "id" in Linux? 2011-10-05T09:07:41.690

2 Unix User Group or Sudo/Su 2011-11-14T22:49:47.693

2 How to remove his personal account info / do clean install in Lion? 2011-11-26T00:00:58.193

2 Debian: get the login name from UID 2011-11-30T22:21:03.757

2 GID for new user is not taking system default value 100? 2011-12-17T06:59:38.443

2 Linux groups for standard user 2011-12-24T03:00:52.083

2 Local XP account randomly locks 2011-12-28T13:35:50.877

2 Executing Commands at Cmd Prompt Result in "Access Denied" 2011-12-30T20:21:31.730

2 Windows Server 2008 R2: change account type from command line? 2012-01-16T06:50:35.403

2 More Linux permissions questions 2012-05-01T04:42:52.933

2 Store my password, and don't give it back to me for a certain time 2012-05-16T09:54:04.420

2 Creating an account/access to an VServer for a PHP/MySQL/Apache developer 2012-06-24T21:41:13.077

2 User accounts in FTP 2012-07-05T09:01:46.247

2 Setting the group of a Unix process 2012-07-19T14:47:48.023

2 Why does group permission hide other permission? 2012-07-28T18:50:37.260

2 Copying User Settings 2012-08-13T09:49:09.060

2 Mac OSX Lion mystery user account keeps showing up 2012-08-31T13:44:01.080

2 Mac OSX repair "staff" group 2012-09-20T16:01:44.483

2 How to find out when my windows XP account was reset? 2012-09-25T04:57:32.227

2 2 users cannot share one encrypted offline files share 2012-10-05T07:08:00.117

2 VSFTP Users and Directories 2012-10-09T00:21:47.353

2 Local service accounts 2012-10-11T03:28:54.973

2 Windows service fails to start with local user until password is entered again in logon tab 2012-10-22T22:31:21.503

2 How can I choose what settings my Windows Live account syncs between systems? 2012-10-29T01:59:51.550