Find all permissions associated with a local group


I'm migrating a Windows machine to some new hardware. I have the new machine built and everything installed, but there's one thing that's not working. I've narrowed it down to a local security group on the old machine that doesn't exist on the new machine. I can create the group, of course, but I need to know what permissions to associate with the group.

So how can I get a list out of Windows XP Pro of every permission associated with a particular group?

A little more detail:
This machine is a member of a domain, but it has a specific purpose — running an application used by our library's circulation desk. There's a service that runs as a specific user, and individual users log in to the machine (work study students and library administrators). I have created the group and added the appropriate accounts, and I can make the application work if I then make the group itself a member of the local administrators group. However, that's not a real solution for our work study accounts. I need to recreate the security used by the prior machine.

Joel Coehoorn

Posted 2010-11-15T20:18:22.450

Reputation: 26 787

Is the software vendor or developer who created the application not available to tell you the required permissions? Documentation? Beyond that, I'd look for a utility which tells you which permissions are being requested by a process. Saw one about 8 years ago, have not needed it since. I'll look around. – Robert Kerr – 2010-11-16T00:58:39.853



AccessChk from SysInternals claims to produce the list of privileges a given user or group is granted.

After more thought, I decided that by modifying the audit policy on the machine, you can cause log entries to be created when a process is used. in GPEDIT.MSC (or the AD equivalent), Computer Config -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Audit Policy. Start by enabling audit of both Success/Failure of Object Access (for files/folders etc), Directory Access, Privilege Use, and Process Tracking. Or perhaps just check DENY to more quickly show you what's missing.

Robert Kerr

Posted 2010-11-15T20:18:22.450

Reputation: 693