Snow Leopard reports other users, but who are they?


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Why there are two users showing in uptime command results?

My MBP reports other users, but I'm the only one using this laptop:

$:> uptime

19:30 up 13 days, 16 mins, 3 users, load averages: 0.38 1.23 1.28

Who are the other 2 users?

Paul Gnutte

Posted 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

Reputation: 21

Question was closed 2011-07-19T05:01:16.937

Does the "who" command return anything? They're probably just accounts that are running some services for you.. – James T Snell – 2011-07-18T16:43:22.430



They are just system accounts used for background services. You can view a list of all logged in users with the users command or the who command. Don't be surprised if it lists users more than once, that just means that user account has multiple login sessions running.

You can also use the ps command to view a list of processes running on your system, including which user account each is running under. This might help you get a better picture of what each account is used for.

Darth Android

Posted 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

Reputation: 35 133

1the users command will not show root or service users, just real, logged in users - which might be what the OP needs, but will still show just one user, not 3. – Traveling Tech Guy – 2011-07-18T16:51:02.960

@Traveling The one day I don't have access to my nix box is the one day I need to verify command output, go figure. – Darth Android – 2011-07-18T18:27:32.100

may I recommend Cygwin for your Windows box? That way you are never too far away from the *nix commands :) – Traveling Tech Guy – 2011-07-18T23:55:24.827

@Traveling Both commands produced an empty line on my cygwin install, and the man pages aren't the most descriptive about this behavior. ;) – Darth Android – 2011-07-19T13:50:12.017


These are not real users. Xserver or printserver or processes.


Posted 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

Reputation: 519

Why down voted? – Binarylife – 2011-07-18T18:18:05.200


Well, one would be your user, another would be 'root' - the user your system uses to run its services. One more might be another service runner. The easiest way to find out would be to run

ps u -A

and look at the first column - it'll tell you who's running what.

Traveling Tech Guy

Posted 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

Reputation: 8 743


The BSD uptime command takes its user count from the utmp database. You can use users, who, w or finger to see all login sessions recorded by utmp.

Most likely, those three entries correspond to three Terminal windows you have opened; SSH and X11 sessions are registered in the same way. (I don't know if utmp applies to graphical logins on Mac OS X, but you can just see for yourself.)


Posted 2011-07-18T16:34:42.777

Reputation: 283 655