Tag: sorting

3 Increasing productivity with huge Outlook Inbox - "Sorted Inbox" and frequencies 2012-08-09T16:48:34.130

3 Bug in sort or misunderstanding 2012-11-09T17:06:08.737

3 how can I sort duplicate values in excel without repeated it sequence 2013-01-31T07:50:37.703

3 Remember icon size, sort order, and sort options per-folder on Windows 7 2013-06-06T14:16:51.687

3 How can I sort and de-dupe a very long list of words? 2013-08-31T12:25:10.383

3 Move dated files into their corresponding dated folders 2014-03-21T05:36:49.547

3 How can I sort my data while keeping paired rows together? 2014-05-29T21:18:27.257

3 How to sort by senders' email address and not by display name in Outlook? 2015-01-10T14:01:41.390

3 How to correctly sort calendar months "mmm" with AutoFilter? 2015-02-22T14:24:32.517

3 Is it possible to change the 'Type' of a directory in Windows 2015-08-19T12:22:00.650

3 Varying Format Part Number Sort Issue 2015-08-28T15:35:36.567

3 mc - Midnight commander - How do I sort so that directories are on top? 2015-09-29T18:31:13.213

3 Sorting by Time Units (e.g. ms, s, etc.) in Bash or Shell 2017-02-12T09:02:40.217

3 How do I reorder sheets in specific order, then alphabetically? 2017-02-15T16:01:36.547

3 How do I properly organize Windows Explorer lexicographically? 2017-03-07T21:30:01.730

3 Sort packs of lines alphabetically 2018-06-01T10:36:24.010

3 Align data columns in LibreOffice Calc according to numbers in another column 2018-08-08T14:47:21.423

3 How can you set up several sorting rules in Excel to sort a column? 2018-08-28T19:16:47.097

2 Sorting files (images) and then renaming them automatically according to the sort 2009-08-08T08:26:11.403

2 How do you sort bookmarks in Safari alphabetically? 2009-09-28T17:47:32.640

2 Is there a way to preserve or remember sort-by preferences for different folders in column view in Mac OS X? 2009-10-25T04:12:41.020

2 Excel 2003 Alphabetic Sort Order Is Not My Idea of Alphabetic 2010-02-04T18:59:48.207

2 List contents of text file in alphabetical order? 2010-04-02T00:06:39.203

2 SORT empties my file? 2010-05-18T14:46:21.437

2 Is there a way to do Drag and Drap sorting of emails in Outlook? 2010-07-29T18:59:14.563

2 Path Finder: How to sort files by date, but folders by name? 2010-08-19T14:56:23.103

2 specify the sort order in "copy /b *.dat foo" in Windows cmd 2010-12-02T02:35:07.310

2 Two Spreadsheets, Merge Data? 2011-01-11T04:05:01.430

2 Sorting a REALLY BIG delimited text file in UNIX / VMS 2011-02-09T07:34:06.683

2 How do I count the times each number appears in columns of numbers? 2011-03-06T05:42:37.247

2 batch-rename filenames with numbers to sort alphabetically 2011-07-13T22:19:37.557

2 What Windows app can sort a huge XML file? 2011-11-08T13:23:17.263

2 Why is sort -k5nr not a syntax error? 2011-12-24T07:48:39.057

2 Sorting a checksums file by file name 2012-01-21T07:48:11.003

2 How can I sort objects by third column in Powershell? 2012-04-24T12:54:53.700

2 Excel: How to treat multiple lines as one while sorting? 2012-07-02T12:29:12.433

2 How to sort Thunderbird by message count? 2012-09-26T07:42:52.520

2 Excel mass add Data to existing sheet 2012-10-29T14:33:20.537

2 How to setup DLNA sorting 2012-11-04T18:45:52.320

2 Tagging or defining automatically in an Excel or Libre office spreadsheet? 2012-11-14T18:09:59.777

2 Sorting a list of files 2012-12-03T12:30:48.610

2 How to sort audiobook on iTunes? 2013-01-09T02:45:30.413

2 How to output a partial or a number from a mataching in grep or ack 2013-01-17T12:16:45.540

2 Vim - Sort Nested Blocks of SCSS 2013-04-10T17:27:36.260

2 weird filename sorting (bash, ls, sort) 2013-04-29T12:15:05.817

2 Why is sort.exe truncating large output on 32-bit Windows? 2013-07-18T05:28:49.243

2 Sort folder full of shortcuts by Destination property in Details view? 2013-07-21T18:08:25.973

2 Pivot table : absolute value of grand total in Excel 2013-07-29T20:09:54.427

2 Reordering file lines like other file (Unix) 2013-08-27T18:40:08.850

2 On the command line, what is a "general" and "string" numeric value when sorting? 2013-09-30T10:30:38.540

2 how to reverse the sort order of tabs in firefox? 2014-03-08T23:36:09.523

2 Is there a way around broken pipe? 2014-03-14T06:23:35.280

2 How to move starred and unread messages to top without destroying the order by date (descending)? 2014-03-30T11:49:05.897

2 Save folder sort setting in Windows 7 2014-06-14T06:44:14.780

2 Trying to cat the result of piped commands 2014-08-12T21:55:34.250

2 Separation of work, personal, and private , for all things tech? 2014-09-24T03:05:54.060

2 Can I sort in excel but read the cell values from right to left? 2014-10-17T20:56:27.927

2 Sort structures in file 2014-11-18T22:33:45.817

2 Sort mails by 3 criteria on Thunderbird 2014-12-15T18:20:35.547

2 Is it possible to sort a table by entry modification date? Specifically, how to access from VBA the last modification time of an object? 2015-01-31T10:20:34.060

2 Alternate Row Colors of Duplicate Data in Excel 2015-04-14T00:46:44.460

2 Lining up sets of data in Excel (both with unique keys) 2015-04-21T19:46:22.750

2 Excel Spreadsheet Not Sorting 2015-06-09T18:12:39.577

2 Sort by number at the end of the file name in Windows Explorer 2015-06-12T15:40:32.817

2 Can not change default explorer sorting option 2015-06-19T07:47:46.013

2 Save a multi-column custom sort for easy access by other users. 2015-06-19T15:54:16.997

2 Bash sort and join problems 2015-08-17T09:11:00.640

2 How can I make unix sort work properly using the underscore as a field separator? 2015-09-24T17:27:20.430

2 Unix vs Excel sort 2015-12-09T11:53:19.967

2 Excel will not sort all columns on my worksheet 2015-12-20T16:31:22.533

2 Sorting Excel Rows & Columns into descending order of activity 2016-01-11T11:21:24.587

2 How to sort contacts alphabetically in Skype for Business 2016-02-29T08:56:45.197

2 Conditional formatting on the first x number of rows, regardless of filter or sort, in Excel 2016-05-02T18:22:34.670

2 Sorting data without mixing rows 2016-05-24T19:35:03.080

2 Please explain how to use sort command in unix 2016-06-18T04:37:52.477

2 Is there something about filling Excel spreadsheet cells with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER that prevents a successful sort? 2016-07-11T23:42:05.657

2 How to sort java's .property file containg <key> = <value> by <value> column? 2016-07-16T19:10:57.740

2 How do I duplicate column data and preserve row relationships across worksheets? 2016-09-09T02:59:15.130

2 sort numbers and numbers+text together in Excel 2016-10-03T21:01:40.503

2 Sorting house numbers like 9, 9A, 9B, 10 in Excel 2016-11-02T12:42:56.477

2 sort recovered image files with exif data to existing files 2017-01-03T23:11:53.863

2 How to I use bash to alphabetize entries in a config file, preserving sequential numbering? 2017-11-01T20:16:14.887

2 Optimally sort a dataset of N keys when first key is already ordered 2018-02-21T22:42:39.477

2 Windows 10 sort folders with files 2018-05-17T10:54:49.547

2 How to separately sort lines within multiple "chunks" separated with headers? 2018-06-04T12:49:04.420

2 File Sorting in HEX on Windows? 2018-06-23T06:58:32.937

2 I need an excel formula to tell how many numbers and alphabets are in a cell 2018-07-09T17:08:22.960

2 Group and sort the rows of a table 2018-07-16T06:15:15.017

2 Excel: referencing a table cell 2018-07-21T13:32:03.257

2 Sort with case-sensitivity in macOS in the Terminal 2018-09-05T14:06:14.973

2 Sorting output of Get-ADComputer efficiently 2018-09-27T05:53:12.647

2 How to sort after occurence of the / character in a text file Linux console 2018-11-01T20:55:21.313

2 How do I sort a values with letters and numbers? 2019-03-07T08:24:33.527

1 Funky mail sorting and grouping in Outlook 2007 2009-07-24T08:50:07.580

1 How to filter an Excel column for entries matching a master list 2009-08-27T02:25:25.600

1 How can I remove Vista folder tabs? 2009-10-17T17:15:15.293

1 How do I salvage files from the lost+found folder? 2010-03-01T04:40:10.697

1 Sorting in Pivot Table on how data is summarized, not just the value 2010-03-18T18:57:20.340

1 When your field-terminating char appears within field values 2010-05-18T15:28:24.270