Tag: microsoft-word-2010

84 How can I make just one page of a Word document horizontal? 2011-02-04T19:59:56.423

64 How do you easily add equation numbers to Microsoft Word 2010 equations? 2013-05-12T08:36:56.497

53 How to change the background color of a single page in Word 2010? 2010-10-26T14:15:21.743

48 Export word document with high resolution PNG to PDF 2013-09-15T14:39:16.147

47 Word formatting - need to align left to left, right to right in same line 2012-10-06T14:27:25.457

40 Change spelling check language for a Document in Microsoft Word 2010 2010-04-13T07:12:11.977

33 Office Word. How to open the same document in separate windows? 2013-02-15T22:38:42.910

30 Stop Microsoft Word 2010 from smoothing screenshots? 2011-04-18T02:19:06.513

29 Use two columns in Microsoft Word separately 2012-01-12T17:21:48.190

29 Endless save loop in Microsoft Word 2013-06-04T01:34:36.533

26 How do I change the Table of Contents in Word 2010 to show only headings 1-3? 2011-12-06T21:54:18.390

26 Pasted image hides behind text even when set to be inline 2012-11-28T15:02:47.603

24 How do I change the background colour in a Word 2010 style? 2012-03-08T17:11:14.960

24 How to get Word to do line break on Enter rather than paragraph break? 2012-07-25T20:26:10.470

23 How can I get Word 2010 to show more styles than "Heading 1"? 2010-05-10T09:13:17.180

23 Turning active hyperlinks back to blue 2015-10-15T15:49:05.600

22 Any way to set a default view in Word 2007 or 2010 and keep among restarts? 2011-01-25T11:07:59.277

22 How to add an image as a full-page background in Word 2010 2011-07-10T13:46:02.537

22 Microsoft Word - When I hit tab, it no longer indents the bullet-point in a list 2012-02-07T23:22:19.810

17 copy styles from office 2010 word document to another 2012-09-24T18:00:33.873

15 Word 2010 Keyboard Shortcut for Find Next 2013-02-20T17:36:14.447

14 Poor quality PNG image when printing to PDF in Word 2010 2011-09-26T16:45:09.297

14 Word 2010: Create a Style without a font color 2011-11-22T23:15:49.280

14 Is there a keyboard shortcut to return to previous position? 2015-07-09T09:53:28.533

13 Downloadable templates and styles for Word 2010? 2010-12-06T15:11:27.853

13 Microsoft Word 2010 - Conditional Formatting 2011-11-08T11:54:54.747

13 How can I set the orientation of a single page in a multi-page document in Word 2007-2010? 2012-09-05T13:41:04.400

13 What is this "Change to Display" of math equations and why does it change the equation style in Word 2010? 2012-10-04T19:02:21.380

13 Make words look like keystrokes in Microsoft Word 2012-10-15T14:50:10.540

13 Renaming a bookmark in Word 2010 2015-09-03T21:45:52.823

12 Can't change text color in Microsoft Word 2010 2012-01-05T03:28:53.807

12 How can I turn off proofing/spellcheck in Word 2010 for a single document? 2012-05-23T15:50:14.557

12 How to make right-to-left footnotes in Microsoft Word 2012-09-30T06:10:50.610

12 Recover Word documents from computer lab PC when source (USB) drive no longer exists? 2015-11-18T11:58:12.423

11 How to adjust the thickness of SOME lines in a Word table? 2011-04-29T00:41:01.233

11 Word 2010: How to reference custom document properties? 2011-05-18T14:32:21.097

11 Word 2010 cross-reference number with chapter without label 2012-09-15T11:57:26.830

10 In Word 2010, how can I insert a control that updates a document property when the content is edited? 2011-06-15T12:30:08.717

10 Is there a "super font" to simulate a typewriter? 2011-08-15T09:03:11.620

10 Is there a way to repeat the first two rows of a table as a header on each page in Word? 2011-09-12T15:47:14.260

10 Keep all the rows of an Microsoft Word 2010 on the same page 2011-12-15T16:28:09.557

10 Remove setting from style to inherit setting from base style 2012-12-02T13:19:09.913

9 Can I get auto-completion for words in Microsoft Word 2010? 2011-10-06T21:16:08.717

9 How to "demote" all titles and headings in Word 2010? 2012-09-24T14:55:16.880

9 How can I save a Word document as a PDF *without* any embedded fonts? 2013-06-14T21:23:37.130

8 Word 2010 Beta - Vertically center content on a single page 2010-03-14T23:02:00.460

8 How can I count the characters in a word document? 2010-09-05T09:39:27.600

8 Microsoft Word 2010: Assigning a KEYBOARD shortcut for deleting one line of text 2011-06-18T17:21:12.570

8 Custom Date Format in MS Word 2010 2011-09-01T14:20:22.710

8 Word 2010 Cross-Reference Text Doesn't Update 2011-09-14T23:11:40.260

8 "This file originated from an internet location" - How to mark this file as local and safe? 2012-03-08T03:32:58.530

8 How do I set a bullet style as default in Microsoft Word 2010? 2012-05-09T07:48:53.620

8 How can I remove header from the 2 first pages in document? 2012-07-23T11:36:54.157

8 How can I modify the "Picture Styles" shortcut gallery in Microsoft Office (Word and Powerpoint, specifically)? 2013-06-27T21:37:58.143

8 Word 2010 -- How can you make heading 4, 5, etc.. visible in the table of contents? 2013-08-15T15:47:54.637

8 Header and Footer backgrounds in Word 2010 2014-09-05T15:09:35.867

8 Table with two or more header rows 2014-10-15T15:52:29.610

7 Multi-monitor Word 2010 features: is it possible to display one page per screen? 2010-10-29T13:39:54.563

7 Word 2010 won't let me add caption text to Table and Figure captions 2011-06-22T18:43:23.237

7 Using the “Combining Enclosing Circle” character in Word 2011-07-20T20:46:31.120

7 How do I put a border on only the top and bottom of an image in Microsoft Word 2010? 2011-08-18T22:34:48.003

7 Table of Contents Outside of Margin 2012-04-28T10:45:06.020

7 How can I give a paragraph a negative top margin in Word 2010? 2012-04-29T00:01:36.897

7 How do you make text vertical in Word 2010? 2012-09-05T18:27:36.483

7 Word 2010 - page break before H2 except after H1 2012-12-26T10:26:02.770

7 Adding Images side-by-side 2013-05-13T05:37:18.140

7 Text in images pasted in word 2010 is blurred 2013-10-08T19:26:15.337

7 How to stop Microsoft Word from opening file in readonly mode 2013-10-31T06:39:44.907

7 Import HTML table with CSS to MS Word 2014-02-26T15:17:19.667

7 How to insert a scrollable block in Word? 2014-08-04T13:39:44.897

7 How to add custom styles to navigation pane or change them with VBA 2014-09-11T11:17:21.857

7 MS Word: Can a picture be in line with text, and appear vertically centered relatively to text? 2014-11-17T10:51:46.540

7 Word replacing “next page” section breaks with continuous section breaks 2015-06-30T11:31:04.083

7 Microsoft Office 2010 Word not saving 2016-03-15T12:59:19.693

6 How do I get rid of a blank page after a table in Word? 2011-09-29T22:24:25.870

6 MS Office 2010 Word change character encoding 2012-01-13T14:02:33.897

6 Microsoft word 2010 text wrap in table 2012-02-09T10:37:21.473

6 How to preview table borders in Microsoft Word 2010? 2012-06-13T20:08:19.053

6 Microsoft Word equivalent of CSS "clear" property? 2012-07-06T20:54:47.590

6 Word 2010: One button save as PDF? 2012-09-17T16:13:24.090

6 create hyperlink to specific bookmark or location in another Word document 2012-10-05T18:15:43.920

6 Is there a way to create a custom shape library in Word? 2012-11-02T12:11:24.940

6 Microsoft Office Word 2010: How to "Find and Replace" an entire line using "regular expressions" (wildcards)? 2013-06-06T17:09:07.687

6 Text in a table disappears before wrapping 2014-06-27T21:39:09.140

6 Change multiple heading levels 2015-03-25T13:49:15.253

5 Expand comment select in Microsoft Word 2010-07-04T00:13:34.783

5 How can I automatically convert all comments in a word 2010 document to footnotes? 2010-07-06T19:41:39.637

5 Improved APA citation format in Word 2007/2010? 2011-01-12T04:30:41.250

5 How do you get Word 2010 to spell check inside tables? 2011-06-12T23:44:00.547

5 Prefixing heading numbers with custom letters, varying by section, in Microsoft Word? 2011-07-23T03:14:01.300

5 How do I make a hyperlink within a Word document to another place in the same document? 2011-07-26T18:03:43.453

5 Microsoft Word - How keep lists from spanning multiple pages 2011-08-03T16:19:37.727

5 How to open Word document on a shared drive, in read-only mode, every time? 2011-10-06T13:43:07.917

5 How can I get Microsoft Word 2010 to automatically quit after printing a document from a batch file? 2011-11-01T20:31:07.100

5 How to show current chapter in Word 2010 2011-11-06T16:58:02.403

5 How does Windows group font files? 2011-11-07T12:44:45.783

5 Word 2010 Number of pages without first page 2012-05-31T20:41:07.497

5 Word 2010 is automatically cropping image being insterted 2012-07-09T07:57:27.050

5 Formatting page numbers in Table of Contents to include text 2012-07-13T00:00:12.643