Questions tagged [task-scheduler]

311 questions
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Tasks Scheduler Windows High Availability

What is the best way to put in place «tasks scheduler» with high availability under Windows? Currently, the tasks are planned on a single server, which is a problem when the server reboot (for many reasons) Is there a Cluster system to resolve…
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Defining multiple triggers for my Task Scheduler will only work on the first trigger

I have "Windows server 2008 R2 standard" with SP1. and inside my windows Task Scheduler, i define the following 2 triggers:- now as the picture is mentioning, i want to run the task on different times (3:00 am & 4:30 am) based on the Day. but…
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Execute a Windows task triggered by registry changes

I'm looking for a possibility to execute a script in case a particular registry key is going to be created or modified. In the Windows Taks Scheduler there is a way to execute scripts triggered by system/application events. But I could not find one…
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Windows Task Scheduler job not starting but runs on manual start

Windows Server Version : 2016 Problem Description : This is indeed a weird problem I am facing. I have a .bat file that I have scheduled to run every 15 min but it does not start on its own at the scheduled time if I disable and re-enable it. But…
3 answers

.NET Core console app fails from task scheduler with 0xC0000005

I have written a simple .NET Core console app (which writes some log files, hits a database and sends some emails). Triggering the task by double-clicking on the .exe within Windows works fine. However when attempting to trigger the task through…
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Windows Task Scheduler deletes batch file upon running it

I have an odd problem that has started happening with Task Scheduler on Windows Server 2012 R2. A bunch of scheduled tasks all have this same problem. I checked on it a few weeks ago and it was fine, but now it has started happening on several…
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Task Scheduler "On disconnect from user session" trigger not working

Using Win Server 2012 R2 test machine (not in domain) I was able to get it triggering with the setup: General: When running the task, use the following user account: built in admin account Run whether user is logged on or not: checked (do not…
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Running scheduled tasks under domain and local accounts

In my Active Directory environment (DC runs Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2), there is a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 client. On this client, there are scheduled tasks that are running under the local admin account. I want to add a task that will be…
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Windows Server 2008 scheduled task only works with "Run only when user is logged on"

I have a scheduled task that is set to run an R script by launching Rscript.exe and the file of interest. This task completes successfully when I run it with the option "Run only when user is logged on". I need to schedule the task to run without…
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windows scheduled task is killed (timed out) too soon

I have a scheduled task that is configured to be killed 23 hours after starting. When I export the task to XML I can verify this setting because I see the line: PT23H However, the task is actually being…
Dan Tenenbaum
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Scheduled Task Doesn't Run on Schedule

On a Windows Server 2012 R2 server, I have created a scheduled task with a trigger defined as daily, repeat every five minutes. (I have multiple other tasks configured like this that I have no problem with). The task itself works perfectly; if I…
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The system cannot find the file specified- Task Scheduler. Win Server 2012

I have batch script file, which should encrypt a file with pgp. I have defined a task in task scheduler to do this, but I am keep receiving the error"The system cannot find the file specified". Interestingly, when I run the same line of script in my…
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Scheduled RasMan connection to SSTP VPN fails only at night

Background I have an SSTP VPN with a self-signed certificate. It's running on a physical instance of Server 2008 R2 on our LAN. Three off-network workstations are scheduled to connect to the VPN "at system startup" in Task…
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How to kill a running scheduled task?

I have scheduled a task on Windows Server 2008 R2 Task Scheduler that kicks off a python script. However, when the task is running, I don't see the process spawned in the Task Manager and therefore am unable to kill the task. I know the task was…
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Scheduling tasks|jobs across servers from central location. (Windows Server)

Is there any way, how to schedule Windows tasks|jobs on all servers from central location (server)? Has Microsoft any solution for this? I prefer MS or Windows Server built-in functionalities before SW from third party... Thanks [edit]: Sorry for…
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