Questions tagged [suphp]

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners.

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners. In practice this means that a user can execute a script within his own files and folders. It consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and a setuid root binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the process executing the PHP interpreter.

It is often used on systems where there are multiple clients present.

Official page

70 questions
1 answer

Differences and dis/advanages between: Fast-CGI, CGI, Mod-PHP, SuPHP, PHP-FPM

There are few different php "wrappers"(?). What are differences between them? Tried to google some, but cant seem to find informations. (mod-php is not googleable). Why might I choose one over another?
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Apache, suexec, PHP, suPHP

While I'm quite comfortable as a Linux user, my Linux Admin-fu is a bit weak. Thus, I'm here looking for guidance with a CentOS server I'm about to build. I need to setup an Apache2 web server for a few of our clients. I want each client's web…
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4 answers

What Apache/PHP configurations do you know and how good are they?

I wanted to ask you about PHP/Apache configuration methods you know, their pros and cons. I will start myself: ---------------- PHP as Apache module---------------- Pros: good speed since you don't need to start exe every time especially in…
Vladislav Rastrusny
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3 answers

Running phpmyadmin and suphp

I have a Debian Lenny web server. It is running apache2 with libapache2-mod-suphp. Unfortunately, suphp makes impossible to use phpmyadmin, as phpmyadmin is installed in /usr/share/phpmyadmin and owned by root, and suphp disables it's engine in this…
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1 answer

What is difference of PHP handler (CGI vs FastCGI vs Mod_PHP vs suPHP )?

I understand that there are four different PHP handlers out there (AFAIK). CGI (php-cgi) FastCGI (php-fpm) Mod_PHP suPHP I need to know the pros and cons of these handler and what environments each are suited for? For example if I'm running a…
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mod_security not actually blocking requests despite rule trigger & returning 403

I've pulled my finger out and installed mod_security to protect our WHMCS installation (a PHP based billing system) from some of the more obvious SQL injection attacks to try and minimise our susceptibility to being hit in the window of opportunity…
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1 answer

Mod_ruid2 vs. SuPHP

I'm setting up a new server and I'm in doubt whether I install php/apache with SuPhp or mod_ruid2. I'd a lot of troubles with SuPHP before and it's definitely slower than mod_ruid2. But is mod_ruid2 equal as secure as SuPHP? Do I have more security…
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1 answer

What exactly does SuPHP do?

And is it necessary? I've read a bunch of pages on it and I can't for the life of me actually figure it out, as opposed to what apache and just plain old php already do.
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Setting default permissions on newly created files/folders

I have a network of sites where all sites share same "images" folder. I have created /home/_images/entities and symlinked it from all websites, and it works great with Apache, when I open /images/ on any of the sites I get list of images and can…
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1 answer

How do I change permissions and ownership after git-pull, to match folder?

The company I work for is using Git for deployment and because of this it overwrites specific permissions and ownerships. What is the best way to make sure that the folder ownerships and permissions are preserved when a git pull is conducted? I do…
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1 answer

suPHP and Apache DBD : change GID only

(Note: if you're familiar with suPHP setups and want to skip the question's details, you'll find a quick explanation of what I'm trying to achieve at the end) I am currently setting up a machine to host several websites, belonging to several users.…
John WH Smith
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Who or what is sending spam from my server ( CentOS / Apache / suPHP )

My server is sending lots of spam and I searched for the problem for hours now. After googling I found a forum where they talked about this and mentioned to dig into the exim log, so I did and found that emails were sent from:…
Tim Baas
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1 answer

Can you enable suphp to follow symlinks for the docroot?

I'm trying to clone a website into a user's home directory and symlink from my website folder to public_html. drwxrwxr-x 5 myuser myuser 4096 Dec 3 12:00 ./ drwxr-xr-x 4 myuser myuser 4096 Dec 3 11:31 ../ drwxrwxr-x 3 myuser myuser 4096 Oct 22…
1 answer

Least, secure and enough permissions for public_html and folders and files under public_html using SuPHP for shared hosting environment

I have a server with SuPHP and DirectAdmin. Many (but not ALL) of my users are running Joomla and Wordpress. Will it make a problem if I chmod public_html and sub-folders to 700? Will they NEED more permissions? What about files? What should the…
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2 answers

Centos Suphp , How do I get Alias with Phpmyadmin working

I have configured my CentOS installation with Apache with suPHP. It works very well. But when I install PHPMyAdmin I get a permissions problem. Because PHPMyAdmin is located under /usr/share/phpmyadmin. I do not want to use an extra vhost for every…
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