Questions tagged [suexec]

96 questions
2 answers

Multiple php versions simultaneously on Ubuntu

I want to be able to run multiple php versions on my development box running Ubuntu 12.04. What I want to accomplish is that when I use localhost as a domain a default is used (let's say php 5.3.17). When I use 547.localhost as domain php 5.4.7 is…
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Apache, suexec, PHP, suPHP

While I'm quite comfortable as a Linux user, my Linux Admin-fu is a bit weak. Thus, I'm here looking for guidance with a CentOS server I'm about to build. I need to setup an Apache2 web server for a few of our clients. I want each client's web…
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PHP fopen always fails with permission denied

I am in the process of migrating a couple of Wordpress blogs over to AWS and have run into an issue with file permissions that has successfully foiled me for the last couple of hours. The simplest possible fopen call always fails with "failed to…
Kevin Loney
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How to change suexec root directory from "/var/www" to "/home"?

Hi I've installed suexec using on ubuntu 12.04: apt-get install apache2 apache2-suexec libapache2-mod-fcgid php5-cgi However when I run the following command: sudo /usr/lib/apache2/suexec -V I get the following info: -D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www" -D…
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Environment variables not available on server after mod_rewrite, but works locally

I am working on a site where I am using SSI to set a variable on an HTML page that gets parsed and the variable is then to be picked up by a script after a mod_rewrite rewrite. This works on my local setup, but for some reason it doesn't on the…
3 answers

multiple mounts of same NFS share on one client?

I'm moving webspace content to NFSv3 shares. Because of suexec restrictions I have different paths to different subsets of the content on the client. I wonder if I can still have all of the content in one path on one exported nfs share. example: i…
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Apache mass virtual hosting & suexec & fcgid

I followed Falco's tutorial and everything now works as expected for 2 users (e.g. john and alice) with their relevant directories (/var/www/john and /var/ww/alice). Now, I want to go to the next level: instead of defining different vhosts at…
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4 answers

SuExec: “command not in docroot” Even Though It Is?

Arch Linux 2011.08.19 (Linux 3.4.2 i686) Apache 2.2.22 with SuExec PHP 5.4.4 (cli) via FastCGI My sites were all working fine earlier… I’m not sure when it happened because I noticed it over a week later (I’m guessing perhaps after a system…
Hugh Guiney
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1 answer

Confusion on SUEXEC and DOCROOT

I keep running into an issue with suexec where it says the cgi script is not in the docroot. I get this error: "[2012-05-21 04:53:02]: command not in docroot (/apps/dctools/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi)" I have a symbolic link to where the cgi files are.…
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How do I run a PHP web application as a particular user and group on CentOS 5 with Apache?

I'm aware there are various different ways to do this but I'm not sure that the "best" way would be for my particular situation: Each site should have its own user account (site user) Virtual Hosts point to a directory within the site user's home…
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Configuring Apache for multiple clients

Last week I had a question here about suexec / suphp but I tried to accomplish too much. I'm going to narrow the scope a bit and try again. I'd like to configure a LAMP server to host multiple clients. I'd like it to seem (from the client's…
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Setting up Apache 2.2 + FastCGI + SuExec + PHP-FPM on Centos 6

I'm trying to follow this very detailed instruction here, I simply changed from www-data user to apache user, and is using /var/www/hosts/sitename/public_html instead of /home/user/public_html However, I spent the whole day trying to figure out why…
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Suexec, group-writeable files

I am running an Apache server with Suexec. However, I get an internal server error if I try to execute a CGI script that is group-writeable (if I chmod g-w , the script runs fine) However, I want the file to be group-writeable. SuPHP has a config…
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issue with with suexec command when i try to initialise virtualmin on a pc with webmin installed and working

I am trying to initialise Virtualmin. After installing it via Webmin->Module->new module installation screen. This is the message that I am getting in Webmin: The Suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under /var/www, but…
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2 answers

Access Denied for PHP Files Only

Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 with VirtualHosts under SuExec PHP 5.3.8 via fcgid Arch Linux 2011.08.19 I am getting 403 Access Denied errors from Apache any time I try to access a PHP file. HTML files and text files work fine. I've played with every…
Hugh Guiney
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