Questions tagged [suphp]

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners.

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners. In practice this means that a user can execute a script within his own files and folders. It consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and a setuid root binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the process executing the PHP interpreter.

It is often used on systems where there are multiple clients present.

Official page

70 questions
1 answer

Custom PHP.ini file

One of my clients is requesting register_globals to be turned on so his site can normally work. But I disabled custom php.ini files with suphp because of security issues. I must do this because of some attack which is called Symlink, and when…
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Limit Php.ini File Change Per User

I'm using suPHP with Apache 2 and users is allowed to use their own php.ini How can I limit changes of global php.ini values to only few modications? Thanks
Julio Fong
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1 answer

suphp error Directory / is not owned by admin

I'm trying to run a test phpinfo page from: /home/admin/ But it displays such error: Internal Server Error Directory / is not owned by admin suPHP 0.7.1 My /etc/suphp.conf is like…
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From suPHP to mod_php

I have a Centos6 64-bit server, Apache/2.2.15, PHP5.3.3, one IP and four name-based virtual hosts and SSL/SNI to provide https in addition to http. All those hosts are assigned to different linux users. I have root access to server and all those…
1 answer

500 error after installing su_php, permissions issues, "UID of script "/index.php" is smaller than min_uid"

I have just installed su_php on my server (amazon ec2 instance), It is required for 1 of my applications. Now, I am getting a 500 Internal server error when visiting all of my hosted sites. The error logs: [error] [client ip] SoftException in…
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Ubuntu with SuPHP and Wordpress - default perms of .htaccess file gives Apache 500 Error

Wordpress creates the .htaccess file with 600 file permissions (when permalinks are configured, etc.). I had to give it 655 before SuPHP would allow the homepage to load. I thought any files should be read as the user with SuPHP so I'm a bit puzzled…
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CSF Log Watching

I run suphp so the uid of scripts is for the user not the webserver. My log files are also in /home/$user/logs/error.log CSF only monitors /var/log/apache2/error.log However because of my setup i dont think the logs go here so how do I add my…
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2 answers

Can i Run php5-suhosin with suPHP?

I currently run suPHP and have just installed php5-suhosin. Can I run them both together and if so where do I configure suhosin? As usually it is in the php5 ini file but suphp doesnt use that i dont think.
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500 internal error suphp

I'm using godaddy CentOS, Cpanle, suphp with easyapache and when i try to hit my php page i get 500 error and following lines in Apache log: [Fri Apr 20 04:23:48 2012] [error] [client] SoftException in Application.cpp:422: Mismatch…
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1 answer

Adding a Python handler in suPHP?

I have the PHP handler working perfectly fine, but one of my friends would like to use Python as well. I have Python installed on my server at /usr/bin/python2 (for Python2) as well as /usr/bin/python -> /usr/bin/python3 (for Python3). He prefers…
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1 answer

Mismatch between target UID (99) and UID (XX) of file

I'm kind of a server noob. I'm just running httpd server which uses Nobody as the owner of the processes. My php files are chmod as 755 with ownership as Apache:Apache. It triggers this error Mismatch between target UID (99) and UID (XX) of file…
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1 answer

Apache, suPHP, CentOS. Memory limit being hit by gd, but memory limit is set much higher than when it dies

We have a server that's handling uploads. The memory limit is set at a ridiculously high level in php.ini (800 M).. however we have gd, which is managing the image resizing, but it is dying at about 60M of memory usage (our error log is reporting a…
1 answer

Restrict web access above a given directory (Apache 2.0 & suPHP)

How do I restrict web access to parent folders of the main website directory. For example if I have the following directories/files: / ├── home │   └── user │   │   ├── img.png │   │   ├── script.js │   │   └── page.html └── var └── www …
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1 answer

suPHP permission requirements for all files or only PHP scripts?

Generally with PHP, files/folders have a permission of 0777 when we want to write to them. suPHP forbids a permission of 0777. Instead, files are supposed to have a permission of 0644 and folders have a permission 0755. However, this is always…
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1 answer

How to switch from CGI/FastCGI Server API to DSO?

Apache: How to switch from CGI/FastCGI Server API to DSO? I want to switch back and forth. I found this answer for the reverse step, but I need the the first part: Apache: How to switch to CGI/FastCGI Server API? Actually I want to go back and froth…
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