Questions tagged [suphp]

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners.

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners. In practice this means that a user can execute a script within his own files and folders. It consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and a setuid root binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the process executing the PHP interpreter.

It is often used on systems where there are multiple clients present.

Official page

70 questions
1 answer

Gentoo server with suPHP cannot create child processes - out of memory

The exact error message is this: 12)Cannot allocate memory: couldn't create child process: /usr/sbin/suphp for This is not a VPS, it's a generic Gentoo server. There is 1G of RAM for the server and 700M of RAM free at any given…
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Initial Fatal Error: Out of Memory on Wordpress after switching to suPHP

I recently rebuilt Apache to include mod_suPHP (previously using DSO). But after switching to suPHP, Wordpress sites hosted on my VPS would return something like, Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 2883584) (tried to allocate 77824 bytes) in…
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Change location of error_log for userdir + suphp

I have needed to duplicate a FastCGI + suPHP, and I have re-created the setup but unlike the CentOS one my error_log files are all in /log/apache/ instead of the directories where the script triggered the error. How do I configure PHP to write all…
Kristopher Ives
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What's with suphp?

I inherited a web server running Apache/PHP on a CentOS 5 machine. This is a hosted server so I am still familiarizing myself with the environment. There is really no user activity on this machine, yet in "top", I constantly see php processes…
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Apache DSO file permissions 777

Ideally I would be using suPHP however I have been forced to use DSO... How worried should I be about setting the folders permissions to 777 and how can I improve the security of doing so?
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How do i activate or install suphp on my dedicated apache server?

i want to install suphp on my dedicated server, maybe it´s already installed and not activated but i don´t know hot to check for that. Can someone please tell me how to install and/or activate it. Thanks! Server Version: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix)…
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Setting up Suexec on apache on Godaddy Virtual private hosting

I have recently purchased Godaddy VPS (Virtual Private Server) with their custom control panel and CentOS 5.4 From their control panel I am able to add domains to the server with their own user and directory. Example:- Domain: …
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Temporarily Utilizing 304 Header on Apache for Crawlers

I have a client who has a hosting arrangement with 400 customer sites all hosted through SuPHP in CGI mode on Apache. The sysop is now gone and the client is calling on me for rolling out a new PHP thing. Trouble is -- server load is very high right…
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Files uploaded with php scripts are owned by apache on Directadmin

Uploaded files are owned by apache, I have DirectAdmin installed and also mod_suexec is loaded into Apache. So is there anyway to upload file with account owner under mod_php(php5_module)?
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1 answer

Why am I getting a save dialog box when I try to open phpmyadmin?

I got my apache2 server running and using suphp. I get a php test file to work at /var/www/html and at /home/usr/public_html. When I step into server/phpmyadmin I get a file save dialog box. The link to phpmyadmin.conf is present in the…
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