Questions tagged [php-cgi]

55 questions
1 answer

Can't start php-cgi.exe - MSVCR110.dll is missing

Trying to setup nginx and php on my Windows machine, but every time I try to start php-cgi.exe I get a system error. The program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the problem to fix this…
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2 answers

How to prevent Apache from prepending REDIRECT_ to environment variables when running php as CGI?

I've been using MediaTemple's GridService as a production environment for a couple of relatively lightweight PHP sites. The process of setting up testing and staging environments is kind of cumbersome and leads to staff taking shortcuts, so I'm…
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What is difference of PHP handler (CGI vs FastCGI vs Mod_PHP vs suPHP )?

I understand that there are four different PHP handlers out there (AFAIK). CGI (php-cgi) FastCGI (php-fpm) Mod_PHP suPHP I need to know the pros and cons of these handler and what environments each are suited for? For example if I'm running a…
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nginx: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I am running nginx on Windows Server 2008 R2 and it seems to be crashing, it also uses php-cgi with it and the php-cgi is part of the problem. After about 30 seconds of being on the page php-cgi closes and stops working, yet this only makes it…
Josh Deriosk
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apache2 how to trace caller of SIGTERM

I have a dex x64 on a virtualbox win7pro host. My apache2 will stop responding after a page request or other activity such as upload via ftp. The php.cgi becomes non responsive and a restart is required any help tracking down the culprit sending…
art vanderlay
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Trying to install php-cgi / Apache / Ubuntu 14.04

I'm trying to use the "Php reverse shell" for school purposes on my clean installed Ubuntu 14.04. I configured my Apache/PHP/MySQL as I do normally. I need to get the php-function "pcntl_fork()" working. In order to get it working, I need to use…
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Apache 2.4 + mod_rewrite + FastCGI (php-cgi.exe) on Windows

I am trying to port my Mac config on Windows for some of my clients. Since Windows is not Mac OS, I have to use php-cgi.exe instead of PHP-FPM. I have tested each component individually and everything seems to work, so I believe it is a config-only…
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Secure PHP on IIS 8.5

I'm using IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 to host ASP.NET and also PHP-Applications. Because there are a few different PHP-Apps, I want to restrict the access by using open_basedir. The problem: With the IIS PHP-Manager it's not possible to use a…
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Replicating Apache Multiviews + PATH_INFO in Nginx

I'm working on some old PHP code of mine that was previously served using Apache+Multiviews+PATH_INFO. I'm now trying to get this site up and running using nginx (which I use and adore for all of my other more recent work). The issue is with URLs…
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php-cgi cpu usage is super high

I am getting constantly high and wildly fluctuating CPU usage % for php-cgi commands as seen via "top" on my Centos server.. I have a server density account and it seems that this is a common trend: User - PID - CPU % - MEM % - VSZ - RSS - TT - Stat…
Ryan Thompson
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Does PHP-CGI security issue (CVE-2012-1823) affect PHP running as regular users with mod_fcgid?

Does this PHP-CGI security issue (CVE-2012-1823) affect PHP when it's running under individual regular-user accounts with mod_fcgid? The wrapper .fcgi script I've been using is: #!/bin/bash PHPRC=$PWD/../etc/php5 export PHPRC umask 022 export…
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Can I limit the number of php-cgi.exe that run per website on IIS 7?

I wasn't sure which was best to post in so I posted here and on I will delete the other if this post is more relevant here. I'm having a slight issue with memory issues on my web server. It is Windows 2008 RC2…
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2 answers

How to effectively have less php-cgi processes running?

My server is a Linode 512, and on it I run a Wordpress MU with 3 websites (they don't get a lot of visitors) and a couple of NodeJS apps. I need to switch to Lighttpd because Apache 2 was using about 59% of the server's RAM, and now I have the…
2 answers

How do I install PDO and GD for php-cgi

I have PHP 5.3.6 and I use ubuntu. How can I enable/install PDO and GD Extensions. I have already tried installing php5-mysql and php5-gd. I have also tried adding this into my…
1 answer

How to use .htaccess in a non open-basedir path of Synology/DSM 6.1

I am trying to use the trick described by Rob Van Aarle here to execute php pages in "paths not allowed" by default for Synology's web server... The purpose is to create packages which do not depend on "Init_3rdparty" (this famous package which…
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