Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
5 answers

Why is my eth0 getting a dynamic ip when it is configured to be static?

For some reason our office linux box is being assigned an ip address via dhcp and I don't know why. What is confusing to me is that when I check system-config-network it shows that my eth0 is setup to be a static ip address. And…
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Static IPv4 and dynamic IPv6 on same interface

I am trying to set up a CentOS 5.4 box to use a static IPv4 address, while getting a dynamic IPv6 address at boot time. I have only one interface, apart from the loopback interface, eth0. It has a static v4 and internet connectivity (I can SSH in).…
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DHCP or static addressing?

I am in charge of a 70-computer, 50-user network distributed across two buildings and linked by a point-to-point line. We run Windows Server 2008 and so far we've been using DHCP to dynamically assign IPs to desktops and laptops over wifi as…
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1 answer

Can't access static external IP for Google Cloud Run instance - followed guides (Router, Subnet, NAT, VPC, etc)

I'm trying to assign an external static IP address to our Cloud Run instance, so that I can use it with websockets (which I've read require a static IP in order to work, versus the self-appointed/load-balanced GCloud app domain name). The regular…
Ryan Weiss
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How can I ensure openVPN clients persistently take the same IP address?

How can I ensure openVPN clients persistently take the same VPN IP address? I have added client-config-dir ccd to openvpn.conf and created files in /etc/openvpn/ccd/ with the names of the clients eg. "/etc/openvpn/ccd/CLIENTNAME" simply contains…
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3 answers

Setting up our router to do NAT with multiple public IPs

we have a 5 public IP addresses. What we basically want to do is have a router(one single router) that will translate a static private IP so that it uses a static public IP(as in, NOT the gateway public IP) Is this possible to do without multiple…
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1 answer

Is it possible to give static IP to clients in pfsense

I am using pfsense and it provides an IP address to all clients. Is there any option in there so that I can define the client IP address based upon their MAC address, so that I can measure how much they have downloaded.
0 answers

Initializing windows server 2019 for hosting multiple website multiple domain names and single IP

I want to set up a virtual machine to host windows server 2019 to host multiple websites in IIS 10. Each website can be reached with a domain name for example: This server just has these…
1 answer

Is it possible to have name-resolution from Fortigate and local DNS server?

Can you advise on moving to a hybrid DNS? Currently, all our LAN machines receive their IP address from our Fortigate 60D (each machine is either allocated an IP address from the Fortigate DHCP, or has a static IP address set in the Fortigate). Our…
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Configure qemu-system for using host side virtual bridge

I'm going to run the following setup with qemu-system as hypervisor: Hostsetup: Hypervisor machine (Ubuntu 16.04) Second Machine qemuVm--tap0--br123--eth0--|Hardware hub|--eth42--SecondPC So this is a network containing a virtual machine…
Cutton Eye
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2 answers

Get static IP address for Heroku app

I want to make a domain point to my Heroku app, so I am trying to create an A record that targets The problem is that the domain provider requires an IP address, and I cannot find any IP address for my Heroku app. I guess it…
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In GCP Is possible move static IP address to another account? How?

I have two GCloud Accounts for two differents clients. Due to banking certification purposes I need to use a reserved static IP address in the other account. Documentation only provides info about moving IPs between instances.
1 answer

How to run 12 different servers on a private network?

I want to run 12 separate servers on a private network. What I mean is the end goal would be I can access static local ip addresses such as: ... But I would like to manage this by having them all be run as…
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What is the purpose of multiple ethernet ports on my modem?

My office has a static IP and I wanted to set up another one. After calling up my ISP and getting another static address, I tried to plug a second router into my NetVanta 838T modem, but could not connect to the internet. I tried the new router in…
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2 answers

Static Public IP Address on Amazon EC2

I am running Ubuntu on a Amazon EC2 Server. I have a Public IP Address ( I am unable to bind the public IP address to UDP Port: udp listen Cannot assign requested address So, I am trying to change ifconfig to show the…
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