Questions tagged [heroku]

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications that features a Git-based deployment strategy, a large number of services offered as add-ons, and a full API.

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications. It features, among other things:

Git-based deployment strategy

Applications on Heroku are managed with Git. Simply pushing your codebase to Heroku is all it takes to deploy your application.


Heroku offers a growing number of add-ons via its add-on provider program. Additional services, such as error tracking and reporting, incoming and outgoing email services, hosted no-SQL databases and more is available via a few clicks or commands on the prompt.

Fully Managed, Multi-Tenant Architecture

Heroku's architecture is designed to keep your app running smoothly with minimal interaction on your part. The Heroku site has a detailed explanation of its architecture.

Full API

All of Heroku's functionality can be accessed from the command line (via the Heroku gem), including managing SSH keys, increasing or decreasing the number of dynos, managing SSL certificates, adding or removing add-ons, and more.

210 questions
2 answers

Why does Heroku warn against "naked" domain names?

I ran across this page in the Heroku docs... Naked domains, also called bare or apex domains, are configured in DNS via A-records and have serious availability implications when used in highly available environments such as massive on-premise…
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Not seeing Django logs on Heroku

I'm not seeing log entries (at a level of INFO) made by Django in my Heroku logs. This is my configuration: LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()':…
Ram Rachum
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6 answers

Is there a Heroku for Django?

I've been looking into Heroku as a hosting provider. I'm specifically interested in its ease of deployment and ability to scale up and scale down resources as needed. Is there a hosting solution with this type of ease and power that works with…
Chris Dutrow
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2 answers

Configure Squid as an HTTPS forward proxy?

Here's some background about my problem: I have a web service running on Heroku, with a dynamic IP address. Static IPs on Heroku are not an option. I need to connect to an external web service which is behind a firewall. The people who operate the…
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1 answer

Heroku Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) using node.js

I been noticing that our node app runs out of memory after a day or so. The memory is consumed by a job that runs every minute or so, because that is pretty much the only thing going on right now. When I run the app locally on my machine I can the…
Stan Wiechers
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1 answer

Using Route53 to point apex/root domain to Heroku application

This is something that I've seen discussed in some other places, but this issue in particular hasn't been spelled out exactly as not being possible. I want to point an apex domain to a heroku app ( to CNAME doesn't…
7 answers

How can I avoid heroku stopping my dyno?

I build MVP's for clients regularly. Often I deploy on Heroku so they can see if the product works and demo it to prospects and investors. Then I have an application deployed on heroku, and it works like a charm, if not for one little thing. The app…
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3 answers

Wildcard CNAME with GoDaddy DNS Manager

I'm having some issues with GoDaddy DNS that I thought I'd maybe share with you all before moving to another provider. I have an application that uses subdomains for users and is hosted on I want the entire site to be accessed via https…
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1 answer

DDoS and Heroku

I use Heroku as my hosting solution. So, if some bad man attacks my site with DDoS, what should I do?
1 answer

Determine availability zone of AWS IP address

I'm currently using Heroku (which uses AWS) and my program needs to communicate with my own EC2 instance. I've made my EC2 instance in the same Region as Herokus', however, in order to reduce costs further I want to be able to community via the…
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4 answers

should Apex domains (and records) be avoided?

I'm building an app that is hosted on Heroku. Heroku suggests that Apex Domains are a Very Bad Idea -- they suggest using CNAME records and a workaround service like Zerigo or DNSSimple. However, every other host I've used seems to have no issue…
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4 answers

Must the authoritative DNS server for a domain allow recursion to allow CNAME records pointing to other domains?

So I've got a domain registered with Dreamhost, which apparently does not do recursive lookups, and an app on Heroku. Heroku apps are always configured to use a CNAME record to So: Authoritative DNS: (for…
2 answers

Install wkhtmltopdf on heroku

In order to run wkhtmltopdf on heroku it is required to setup a buildpack that download and install wkhtml after the main app deploy. All the available buildpacks are pretty old and point to a library download URL at which is no…
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1 answer

Too many redirects

I have an app on Heroku which I would like to point to with two different URLs. I use CloudFlare as my name server. My first domain has 8 records; 2 CNAME, 6 MX and one TXT. It looks like so: CNAME is an alias of…
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0 answers

Heroku and out of memory

I have a setup with websockets on heroku and every now and then i get a flurry of messages like this: 06:24.591694+00:00 heroku router - - at=error code=H15 desc="Idle connection" method=GET…
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