Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
1 answer

Is it okay to set static IP within the range of DHCP?

I have a machine that is connected to a network that assigns IPs automatically via DHCP, for some reason, I needed to have a static IP on that machine... I gave it an IP within the range of the DHCP... Is there's any problem in that?? Will the DHCP…
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4 answers

Ethernet interface number changed, and old one does not exist, but does not leave IP address

I have a virtual machine with Mandriva 2007.0 (yes, old - unfortunately we do not have a choice here). Anyway, the problem: Before reboot: active network interface = eth0. No other interfaces present, and network manager confirms this. Static IP…
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Ubuntu 16.04 setting static IP address

I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu server on a virtual machine hosted on a windows OS. When I set it to the default DHCP the internet works fine. When I attempt to setup a static IP I get TX but no RX. The following is my /etc/network/interfaces # The…
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how to make server visible from internet

I have ADSL router with Static IP from my Internet provider. I know that, if I connect my server to router it can be visible from internet (working webserver etc.), but how does clients getting page know that, request should be put to server (I…
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2 answers

How to use same static IP from anywhere

Not sure if this belongs here or is a dumb question so feel free to kindly tell me to get out of here(I'm New to all of this). So I need to be able to have SSH access to a server for pulling down changes/managing some apps. SSH access is only…
1 answer

multiple domains, one static IP address and latency

how is latency affected when multiple domains are using one single static IP address ? The scenario is in shared web-hosting By latency meaning the DNS lookup the client has to do. As far as I understand it, the browser would hit the root servers…
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Is it possible to save DHCP reservations to disk so they can be restored after rebooting Linksys AX5400 router

I'm not a network administrator, but I play one at home. I have this Linksys AX5400 router on which I have configured some DHCP reserved addresses. When I need to reboot the router, I would like to be able to restore these settings from disk. Is…
Steve Cohen
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Should I assign my VPN a static IP or use a DHCP reservation?

I'm setting up a Raspberry Pi with OpenVPN on my home network. The router for my network is a NetGear Orbi. In the router's configuration I'm able to assign a static internal IP address (say to the VPN server based on its MAC address. I…
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Changing router WAN IP Address

Hi I don't really understand how WAN IPs work, can someone explain how I can change my address to a static one. How can I know if the address I want is taken? How can I see what addresses are available?
3 answers

Ubuntu 12.4 VM Change Static IP

I am wondering if you have the option to change the static IP on a Ubuntu VM or if you should just spin a new virtual machine up? Has anyone out there every attempted this?
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4 answers

Same static IP addresses to single static IP address communication

I have a server with 4 modules, and one Ethernet Port and an internal hub to assign these modules to, configured as below. Module 1: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4: Each of these Modules intend…
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Can't ping my static IP address from external network

I have an ubuntu server and a static IP address. When I try to ping my IP static ip from my internal network it work but, when I try from external link remote ping I haven't no response!! #cat /etc/hosts localhost …
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How to obtain static IP?

My service provider doesn't provide me static IP unless I pay them. Is there any other way to achieve this?
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