Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
3 answers

Static IP from some other ISP

I'm a You Broadband customer, to host a website I need a Static IP but with my chosen plan company doesn't provide me a static IP. They wanted me to buy a static IP. I had ready to do that but they are not properly responding me since last week. So…
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Updating DNS after changing Static IP

I have a server that has multiple NICs, each with their own static IP, that I will periodically enable or disable to connect the server to different subsets. Once changed to another subnet, my DNS records still point to the old IP address, so my…
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Configure DSL line with static IP addresses and PPPoE?

I have a business class DSL line with AT&T and I have assigned to me a set of 5 static IP addresses that I need to setup for use. The account was recently changed over from a Standard DSL line with a dynamic IP to an account that now has these…
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DHCP/static IP nomenclature

I've just inherited systems administration for a small network, on which we have exclusive access to the first 128 IPs on a private virtual subnet. We have a DHCP server which binds IP addresses to specific MAC addresses, as defined in the…
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server administration for 1U rack server placed in intranet: how to deploy web application and update the server without internet connection?

A MNC sales department hired my services as a software consultant to build them a web application. This web app generates excel files based on their internal business processes. This web application is done, and I told them I need to deploy this in…
Kim Stacks
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Static IP on server or router?

I am trying to learn about networking, but I have a question that I can't find a explanatory answer. Basically, I am trying to set-up a server for my local network. I know, that I have to change the setting from DHCP to STATIC, but I don't know if…
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2 answers

IPv4 private address assignment

I'm working on a private network which uses static IPv4 addresses as well as DHCP addressing for the physical LAN network. At a previous company I worked at they would assign static addresses in the 10.*.*.* space and all DHCP/LAN addresses were…
4 answers

Multiple Static IPs, NAT and Comcast

We have just signed up for comcast business with 5 static IPs and have an internal private network. We are a small business and I am hoping that we can purchase a router/firewall that will simply allow me to specify some external IP/port "pairs"…
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3 answers

Detect alive IPs in an unknown static-IP based network

I ask just in case of curiosity and this is just an imaginary network Imagine an internal LAN network without any DHCP server implemented; So to access the network we should use static IP(s); But my question is what if I don't know what are the…
ayyob khademi
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1 answer

Relaying requests between third party server and Heroku for static IP

I have a rails application hosted on Heroku that I need to integrate with 3rd party payments provider. The payment provider requires that my application will have a static IP for incoming and outgoing HTTPS requests. I want to deploy a proxy on a…
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Static IP but DNS server from DHCP (Can't use a reservation)

I need to assign the DNS servers to a Virtual Machine via DHCP, but I want the machine to have a static IP address. I cannot use a reservation and go through the usual DHCP process because the VM gets cloned to other datacenters and the MAC…
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2 answers

Configuring multiple servers to share one static IP using subdomains

I'm looking for a way to access multiple servers sharing a single static ip by using different subdomains. As a forewarning, I've never gotten into network configuration before, so my knowledge of appropriate terminology is limited. Right now I have…
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5 answers

Alternative to static ip for ssh

I have a client I need to do work for on their server where I need the ability to ssh to their machine. They requested my IP address so that they can allow only me into their server. I know my isp gives me a dynamic IP. What are the alternatives we…
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4 answers

VirtualBox - Public Static IP for a Debian Guest on a Dedicated Server

Goal: I want to run a Debian-squeeze-Guest in VirtualBox and give the guest it's own public static ip. I found tons of threads about this topic, but all in all I'm now trying for 10 hours (reading the manual, the forums, trying to learn about…
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1 answer

Cannot set a static ip in Solaris(OpenIndiana)

I am running this command: ifconfig e1000g0 I have done over 50 variations with unplumbing/plumbing, up/down, netmask, and broadcast. Doesn't matter cause ifconfig e1000g0 always shows my ip address as I need to get this set up…
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