Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
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Use static IPv6 addresses on a router behind a Comcast Business IP Gateway

I recently got set up with Comcast Business Class internet. Previously, I was using DSL with another provider and had a single static IPv4 address (VyOS). Now I want to get Comcast set up. I purchased a static IP address delegation from Comcast. I…
Nick Williams
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2 answers

Is it possible to have a windows CE static IP assigned with a non-specific gateway?

First time posted on serverfault. We have a bunch of windows CE devices that hate our DHCP server (likely a bug) but lets ignore that. Say we can't use DHCP at all. But we have devices that may connect one of two Gateways wirelessly, say one…
2 answers

static network setup still using DHCP

I'm configuring an Ubuntu 14.04LTS server on our internal network. Everything works and runs as expected. Its assigned a static IP, here's /etc/network/interfaces # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary…
1 answer

Centos 7 public static IP address for a KVM guest

I am on Centos 7 with KVM and virt-manager installed. I have a virtual (guest) machine with Debian 8.1 on it. Network on guest was configured with virt-manages using NAT (with default settings). So now my virtual machine has Internet access and…
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How to assign a reserved / static public IP Address to a virtual machine on Azure

I am running this command on Azure Power Shell to assign a reserved public IP to an existing virtual machine: PS C:\> Get-AzureVM -ServiceName sk-cs-name -Name sk-vm-name | Set-AzurePublicIP -PublicIPName sk-public-ip | Update-AzureVM VERBOSE:…
Serhat Ozgel
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2 answers

Static IP in AWS but with possible Load Balance feature

I am playing a bit with AWS. My goal is to setup infrastructure, which will have static IP on outgoing connections (requirement from payment provider which solution has been implemented in our app) and in the same time I would like to have load…
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Assign a static private ip to an EC2 instance

I want my server to connect to a db server (both on an EC2 instance). How can i give the db server a static IP address to use within EC2 without using VPC?
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Connecting a VPS's static IPs to a mailserver on a dynamic LAN over an IPv6 OpenVPN connection?

Yes, I know. Ugh! I have a small office and we're trying to reduce our network expense. Because of client audit requirements, we run our own mail server, and would like to keep it that way. For that we need two static IPs. So far, we've had a…
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Utilizing multiple IPs provided by ISP

This is a bit complex so bear with me. I do have a pretty good working knowledge of IP but I'm looking for help on the best way to implement this. My ISP has given me a block of static IPs as well as a single IP. For privacy's sake, here's the…
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1 answer

Ubuntu 12.04 Server static ip configuration

I had some trouble getting the static ip configuration right for Ubuntu 12.04 Server. Every time I would restart the server the nameserver settings in /etc/resolv.conf would get overwritten by dhcp client. Many tutorials suggest doing an apt-get…
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How to route public static IP to a virtual machine on a vmware ESXi host?

I have 5 static IPs from my ISP (Comcast) and I have a physical machine with VMware ESXi 4.0 on it that is hosting multiple virtual machines. Right now I am just using the default vmware virtual network (vswitch0) with DHCP from the Comcast IP…
Kevin Southworth
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3 answers

How to give static IP in the office and use DHCP at home

There is a laptop running Windows XP. When the computer connects to the Wireless network in the office it should have a static IP address (because it's used as a small DB server). When it connects to the network anywhere else, it should get its IP…
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5 answers

What router hardware or software should be used when multiple public IPs are routed into the same LAN?

I am looking for recommendations to replace a set of consumer grade (Linksys, Netgear, Belkin) routers with something that can handle more traffic while routing more than one static public IP into the same LAN address space. We have a block of…
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1 answer

EC2 and Static IP's (Elastic IP's)

I'm using an elastic IP for one of my EC2 instances. I can reach the instance via the elastic IP from external machines, but from other machines in my EC2 configuration, I can ONLY reach the machine by its private IP. How can I fix this? I want my…
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3 answers

multiple ssl sites with 1 ip address and different root domains

I'm running windows server 2003 sp2 with IIS 6.0. I only have one ip address (leasing a subnet is really not an option and i'd like to limit my use of the address space anyways), but need to run mutlple single domain ssl enabled sites (wildcards…
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