Questions tagged [sql-server-express]

A free version of SQL Server

SQL Server Express is the free version of SQL Server that allows you to store limited amounts of data (up to 10GB in SQL Server Express 2012, less in prior versions) per database. It can be installed with or without the management tools (SSMS).

There are several different download options available here

46 questions
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Are there any known problems installing Development Edition MS SQL Server Aside SQLEXPRESS

I have an application running on SQL Express SQL 9.0. Are there any known problems installing a Development Edition of MS SQL Server 2008 R2 along side SQL Express? In other words, is there a known problem having two different flavors of SQL Server…
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SQL Server 2008 Express: How do you remove a Database Engine instance?

I tried upgrading SQL Server Express 2008 to SP1, but the Setup was very far from clear. I ended up with 2 database engines. I now want to install Management Studio Express, but it apparently means I have to create yet another database engine. How…
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SQL server 2008 installation error

I had installed trial version of SQL 2008 R2 on my machine with win 7 as OS. Today I uninstalled it since trial expired then I tried to install SQL 2008 express edition with Advanced services but I keep getting below error:
1 answer

Report Server w/ SQL 2008 R2 Express - Can't login to Manager URL

I just installed Report Servicing addon (Advanced Services) to a local SQL Express 2008 R2 server. I have the configuration tool and setup the proper URLs but when I connect to them I get permissions denied: The permissions granted to user…
1 answer

How to add full text feature to already installed SQL Server Express 2008

I have an installed version of SQL Server Express 2008 but it does not have the full-text service. Short of uninstalling and re-installing the Advanced Services version, what is the easiest way to add the full-text feature?
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IIS7 application using wrong SQL Server 2008 Express database

I'm stumped. I have a client site on a virtual private server - Windows Web Server 2008 SP2, IIS7, SQL Server 2008 Express. I'm trying to setup a second web application, to allow him to review updates prior to their going live. I've created the web…
2 answers

Compatibility of SQL Server 2005 / 2008 and Windows XP UK Edition

Today I was told that the version of Windows XP for the UK is not the same as the one used in the US. Is this true? And if so, is there somewhere where I can learn the differences? Are SQL Server 2005 / 2008 Express Editions compatible with Windows…
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Installing a new SQL Server instance fails

I've previously in my setup installed SQL Server Express 2005. Now I've switched to SQL Server Express 2008. I updated the command line parameters to those documented for the latter. If the comp already has SQL Server Express 2008 installed, my…
2 answers

How do you find the name of an existing full text catalog in SQL Server 2008 Express?

I have SQL Server 2008 Express installed. Several months ago I created a full text catalog and index. I would like to index some additional table columns now, but I can't remember the name of the existing catalog. How do I find out the name of an…
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Is it possible for a group policy to interfere with a Sql Server Express installation?

We have a software package that our customers install on their user's laptops. Part of the installer runs MS's Sql Server Express 2014. We're passing the command-line options to to the installer that are supposed to enable the SA login, and to grant…
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Configuring Imported Self Signed SSL Certificate to SQL Server Express

I've created a self-signed certificate and configured with SQL Server Express. The encryption works fine on my PC. When I export the certificate to another PC I can import fine and can see the certificate in MMC under Personal >…
1 answer

sqlexpress 2008 connection error 40 when connecting through internet static ip

I installed SQL Server 2008 on a workstation running windows 7 SP1. I am trying to connect to the server through the internet using a static IP address and port 1433. I can connect with this IP address on the same working station through the…
3 answers

SQL Server Named Pipe Error

I have been trying to install SQL Server Express for a few days now. I tried 2008, 2012, and now 2014 all with the same result. I cannot connect to the database remotely, even if I turn the firewall on the Windows 2012 Server off. I get the…
1 answer

Can a database created in MS SQL Server Express be exported to MS SQL standard?

As the title states, can a databse created in MS SQL Server Express be exported to MS SQL standard? For the inent of the question, the version in question is 2008.
Chad Harrison
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SQL Server Express and SharePoint

We have a client that would like to use SQL Server Express with SharePoint instead of forking out a minimum or $7000 for SQL Standard. I know SQL Standard is the best option here, but the price tag is a big barrier to entry for this client. SQL…
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