Questions tagged [sql-server-express]

A free version of SQL Server

SQL Server Express is the free version of SQL Server that allows you to store limited amounts of data (up to 10GB in SQL Server Express 2012, less in prior versions) per database. It can be installed with or without the management tools (SSMS).

There are several different download options available here

46 questions
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Many instances of sql express use all the same cpu?

Sql Server Express has the following major hardware limitations that has a consequence on performance: 1 CPU 1GB of memory My question is: if on a multicore machine many instances of sql server express are running, which processor does each…
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WSUS corrupted: Can't uninstall, repair, or remove (Error 0x800f0831)

Have a single server site, running Windows 2012 R2 They had a long power cut, and the server uncleanly shut down when the UPS gave out. We had a few other programs and database issues, but I've worked through them all, apart from Windows Server…
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4 answers

How many databases can SQL server express handle

I'm running a SQL EXPRESS 2005 server currently hosting ~50 databases. The databases serve clients' CMS/eCommerce websites. The connections are to a single instance, no user attached instances are being used. Median DB size is 5MB, the largest 20MB.…
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Connecting to SQL server instance on VM via host-only network

I've setup a virtual development machine with Windows Web Server 2008 R2 and installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on it as well. I didn't install any SQL tools on it, because I have them on the host machine. Virtual machine is running on VMWare…
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Will SQL Server Express do in this specific situation

I'm doing research on the best suitable database for an in-house web application for our (non-IT) company. It's a web information system with few database-heavy tasks. Users can add new customer information, create new job proposals, hour…
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SQL Command Line Setup Failing

When running SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe directly SQL Installation Center shows up and I can install SQLEXPRESS just fine. I want to perform automatic command line install so I have done the SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe /X to extract the files to my USB drive.…
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Exceeding the DB size limit on SQL Server Express in READ_ONLY

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? If my database is larger than 10GB and I'm using it in READ_ONLY mode, will I be violating the licensing agreement somehow? It appears that SQL Server Express edition only…
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Is an SQL Server (Express 2008 R2) database operational during backup? How about consistency?

I am expecting to have a long backup on a certain database and I was wondering if the application can access (read only? read/write?) it while it is being backed up. If read/write access would be available then how will consistency be achieved?…
4 answers

Rebuild master in SQL Express 2008

.ldf file is corrupted so I need to completely rebuild master database on a SQL Express 2008 installation. Is there anything short of destroying the instance completely and starting over?
Jon Masters
3 answers

Add the current admin user to SQL Server Express 2008

I have managed (in 'eksperiments') to remove both my Windows users from my SQL Express instance. I am now logged in as windows admin, and have re-created the corresponding SQL login, but I cannot assign sysadmin rights. I get the error: User does…
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SQL Server express - Management studio installation hangs at native images installation

I've been trying to install SQL server express edition (2014) with management studio and consistently failing to do so because installation stalls at step 'Install_sql_common_core_Cpu64_Action : Write_NativeImage_64. Generating Native images'. I've…
2 answers

Cannot connect to SQL Server from local machine to virtual machine hosted on another PC

I have installed SQL Server Express 2008 R2 on a Windows 7 virtual machine - this virtual machine is hosted on another PC on our network. I would like to connect to the server using SQL Server Management Studio from my local machine but I get the…
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MS SQL Server Error 26 - Cannot connect

I'm trying to connect to my MS SQL SERVER Express 2012 database, which lives on my remote server. Everything is set up and configured correctly other than the Firewall. This is the first time I've done this with SQL 2012 and W2012 server. Reading…
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Can SQL server 2012 Service Pack 2 be applied to an Express Edition instance?

I need to upgrade an instance of SQL Server 2012 Express Edition (SP1) to Service Pack 2. Can the standard Service Pack 2 package be applied to an Express Edition instance, or do I need to run the installer for Express Edition with SP2 and upgrade…
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Why does SSMS Restore Database to another database not copy the current state of the "From" database?

When copying a database by using the Restore Database functionality in SSMS, why is it not a copy of the current state of the Database? After performing the Restore From Database Bar to Database Foo, the data contained in Foo is about a month older…
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