Questions tagged [full-text-search]

53 questions
4 answers

How to detect if full text search is installed in SQL Server

I need to find out if full text search is installed on SQL Server 2005. I don't have permission to log into the box and fire up Setup to check. However I can run SQL Server Management Studio and connect to run queries with sysadmin permissions. Does…
Alex Angas
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How do you do a keyword search the Services.msc (mmc) window in Windows 7?

When you want to run a service, you have very limited capabilities, in all current Windows versions, as far as I can tell. I usually start Services by typing "services.msc" into the Start->Run box, on most versions of Windows, this works. I know…
Warren P
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1 answer

Mysql change ft_max_word_len bug

So, I have MySQL installed on my machine, and I need to change the ft_max_word_len, the maximum word length that MySQL will index. However, when I set it up via the tools provided, and query it, it still lists it as a max of 84 (I need 128+). When I…
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How to stop SQL Server from logging informational lines to SQLFT log files?

I checked on a SQL Server 2012 instance recently only to see that the HDD is full and after investigating what happened it was Full Text Search informational lines filling the log files and disk space every minute. It added up to several GB of log…
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SQL Full-Text indexing not populating

We installed a clustered SQL 2005 installation on windows 2008 and reattached our san drives from another machine and restored to do a migration to new hardware. There have been a few minor issues, but this one has me stuck. Trying to populate…
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Local full text index for a directory tree, a quicker alternative for grep -R

I have a large directory tree of source files. I want to search around all these files. My first instinct is to use grep -R or ack, but either way they just sequentially read all the files. Is there some lightweight programme that I can install that…
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How to get permission to create full-text index?

I tried to create a full-text index on my new full-text catalog and got this error: Msg 9967, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 A default full-text catalog does not exist in database 'foo' or user does not have permission to perform this action. FYI-- I…
3 answers

Simple full-text search server

I have been looking at search solutions like Sphinx, Solr and Elasticsearch but they are all way too complex for what I need. I'm basically looking for a server software, best distributed, that allows me to just throw in chunks of text associated…
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Installing SQL Server 2008 Express Edition with Fulltext Indexing

According to this page, SQL Server 2008 Express Edition with Advanced Services includes Fulltext search: However, I downloaded it, ran it, and I see no sign of it. There is no fulltext service, and…
1 answer

Search strings in text files and show in output the string, preceding one and next one (cmd.exe)

I have a lot of big text files. And I'm searching (within cmd.exe) for a list of values in them as following: findstr /i /n /g:strings.txt 1\*.* >results.txt where strings.txt is the file with all the values I'm looking for and 1 is a folder where…
1 answer

Full-text catalog timeout, SQL Server 2005

we are re-loading a db with new data using backup/restore process. Once restore is complete, we re-build the full-text catalog. Full text searches work, no timeouts for about a day or so. However if the search hasn't been used for a day, two days,…
0 answers

Elasticsearch and couchdb river indexing slows down after a few hours

Trying to import ~400m docs in to Elasticsearch from couchdb using the couchdb river plugin. Everything starts out great with indexing time around 5k/s but after a few hours come back and find its hitting the floor around 20/s. We have the system…
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Sphinx searchd: failed to lock .spl file, no such file or directory

I use sphinx for indexing on my development environment, and it is working fine. But when i take it to the server. I can index and I have the indexes with search working on them, but everytime I run the command: searchd --config configfile , it…
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0 answers

Full Text Search query elapsed time varying wildly

Database Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4035.00 (Intel X86) Nov 24 2008 13:01:59 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3) I have a table with…
5 answers

Full text search for more than 30,000 MS Office documents

We have more than 30,000 MS Office and PDF documents in Windows shares on Windows Server 2008 R2. What possibilities do we have to get full text search on all of these documents? It's important that the whole text of the documents is taken into…
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