I just installed Report Servicing addon (Advanced Services) to a local SQL Express 2008 R2 server. I have the configuration tool and setup the proper URLs but when I connect to them I get permissions denied:

The permissions granted to user 'DESKTOP\Eyston' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

The problem is that the machine is a Windows 7 Pro instance not on a domain so I have no idea what account I can connect to in order to setup the initial permissions for the server. The account 'DESKTOP\Eyston' belongs to the administrator group and was the user I was logged in to install.

Is there a way to add 'DESKTOP\Eyston' the 'System Administrator' role that Reporting Services requires to connect so I can administer the Report Server?


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1 Answers1


I believe it's talking about the SQL Server permissions.

You'll need to go to Security > Logins in the Management Console and go to New Logon, then add DESKTOP\Eyston as the username (with Windows authentication). Then go to Server Roles and check sysadmin

Mark Henderson
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  • 'DESKTOP\Eyston' is a sysadmin on the server. 'DESKTOP\Eyston' is also 'db_owner' and 'public' on the ReportServer database. I'm going to try and see if I can add a few roles there. I tried to add 'RSExecRole' and it fails with 'Cannot use the special principal 'dbo'.' but that failure could be completely unrelated. Looking up to see if I can get that fixed. – eyston May 25 '11 at 01:16
  • I have same problem, Reinstall the sql server 2008 express is not fix. – Cheung Aug 04 '11 at 01:45