Questions tagged [reboot]

75 questions
2 answers

How can I make Linux reboot instead of remounting the filesystem as read-only?

Linux systems sometimes remount the root file system as read-only, e.g. if there's an I/O error. I have a machine that becomes useless when this happens, and I end up rebooting it manually. Is there a way to make Linux just automatically reboot when…
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Restart all services in Linux without rebooting kernel?

I have remote machine that has encrypted drives thus each full reboot requires physical access to machine. Machine just experienced issues with lack of disk space so part of running services crashed / entered weird malfunction states. I'd like to…
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NFS shares dissappear after reboot of Windows server

I have a server running Windows Server 2016 with the File Server Role (NFS Server) enabled. On this server an iSCSI disk is mounted as disk S:. One folder on this disk (S:\EXCHANGE) is an NFS Share. This NFS share does not persist after a reboot. I…
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Windows Server 2012 R2 DC's take almost exactly an hour to reboot after Windows Updates

For several months now, every time any of our 3 Windows Server 2012 R2 domain controllers reboot, they're unreachable for an hour according to our network monitoring software (PRTG). I can see from the event logs that the Security Accounts Manager…
Matty Brown
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Windows Server 2016 automatically restart

We've had a 2016 reboot on critical servers after updates! Even worse, during operating hours! We have a group policy to prevent an automatic restart of the servers if a new update(s) is available: Configure automatic updating: 3 - Auto download…
3 answers

How can I reboot server when HTTP stop responding on AWS EC2

I have a server on Amazon EC2 and I would like to reboot it whenever it stops responding for HTTP requests. It is a single micro instance. I was thinking about using AWS Lambda but I could not find any scripts (preferably in Python). I also tried to…
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When is system scheduled for reboot?

Where can I find information about if there is an reboot scheduled and in that case: when, why and by who? I got this in my terminal: Broadcast message from root@my-server (Tue 2017-11-07 09:00:00 CET): The system is going down for reboot at Wed…
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Perfmon counters are not restarted after reboot

The question has a long history, and I went through all previous questions (1, 2) but neither of them answers the question why the standard way doesn't work? If I don't want to use logman how can I schedule automatic restart of counters/data…
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Automatic Reboot at specific time if Automatic Upgrade requires Reboot

I have setup automatic updates and it updates automatically. However, there are updates that require a restart and I know Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true"; will set it to reboot. But it reboots as soon as it updates. That could be at any…
0 answers

Automatic reboot of server for no reason

My server has restarted and I can't find a reason for this.. Installed on kvm virtualizor server. I checked the logs but didn't see the reason for the restart. last +x reboot [root@localhost ~]# last +x reboot reboot system boot 3.10.0-957.27.2.…
1 answer

Order in which Linux services are stopped during reboot/shutdown

On a KVM VM running Centos 7.5, I have a service running that writes to an NFS-mounted file system. When a shutdown or reboot is issued, the service is throwing an exception that indicates that it does not have permission to write to a directory…
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Cluster Shared Volume Owner Node After reboot

Problem: In a failover-cluster (Hyper-v) the CSV (iSCSI) gets "pulled" to the node that just restarted (after updates) when i don't want it to. I can not find any setting defining CSV owner preference, and even if it exists it does not make sense…
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watchdog watchdog0 watchdog did not stop

I have a computer that always has issues restarting/shutting down. I've installed many Linux distributions on it, including Debian 9 and VMware Photon OS, and I always have the same issue. When I restart, the machines does not actually restart, it…
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'reboot' command doesn't work properly after 'cp' command, 'mv' behaves weird, as well

I have compiled C code running as a binary on an ARM. The ARM boots Linux from an SD Card using an old Image that was generated using buildroot. Within the C code I call a shell script that moves the new Image I want to boot with from a…
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Safe reboot cron job with fallback on SysRq reset issue

I'm trying to setup a cron job to reboot devices daily. With a safe callback to a SysRq reset if for some reason the reboot does hang (issue being that SSH gets killed and the device never reboots so it is lost and requires costly human intervention…
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