Questions tagged [network-share]

A shared resource or network share is a device or piece of information on a computer that can be remotely accessed from another computer, typically via a local area network or an enterprise Intranet, transparently as if it were a resource in the local machine.

Some common examples of network file sharing protocols are

Questions regarding network , issues configuring, and other general questions related to sharing files over a common network are examples of questions that should be tagged with the tag.

Network shares are accessed via a client application which is usually a standard part of most modern Operating Systems.

For example, computers running Microsoft Windows can access a network shares using a variety of protocols via the application. Mac users can access network shares using a variety of protocols using (Mac equivalent of Windows Explorer). Linux users have a wide variety of tools available for browsing network file systems such as smb4k, smbclient as well as other tools commonly found on most modern Linux distributions.

Network shares allow access to users based on permissions set in an Access Control List that will grant the ability to read, write, delete, create directories within the shared folder, etc. Configuration of permissions on network shares can vary greatly depending on which network file sharing protocol you are using.

1450 questions
4 answers

File locks on an NFS?

My server uses NFS (Network File System), and I'm unable to use PHP's flock() -function. Is there a way to lock files on an NFS or is there a need to do so?
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VirtualBox: issue with symlinks in shared folders

Some time ago there was a thread to exact the same problem: Can't create symlinks in virtualbox shared folders. Now it's closed (why?). So I start a new one, because I've got this issue now and cannot find a solution. Short issue description: By…
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PowerShell DSC copy from network share

I am trying to use PowerShell DSC to copy folder contents from a network share. Here is the code: Configuration TestSetup { Node localhost { File Test { SourcePath = "\\Server\SomeShare\SomeFolder" DestinationPath…
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Setting up an anonymous Windows Server 2008 network share?

How do I create a truly anonymous read/write network share in Windows Server 2008? That is ... no login dialog shown no domain credentials required ... so that any Windows machine can get to this share no matter who is logged in, whether the…
Jeff Atwood
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Where should I place group shared files on a Linux system?

I'm migrating a lot of small custom scripts and data from a Linux system to another. On the old system we had a shared user that owned most of the files and they where located in that users /home, but on the new one we would rather login with our…
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Starting a branch office on the other side of the world

Going to cut right to the point on this question, as I'm after as diverse range of solutions as possible so don't want to effect any opinions with the question too much. Client is a UK based company. Organisation is 95% Windows with AD They have an…
4 answers

Windows 10 Keeps asking for authentication for public samba share

I know there are a couple of questions about this, those are different situations though and the provided answers do not relate to my problem. I have a WD My Cloud EX2 NAS with a configured public share, I can access this share from my windows 10…
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What does registry setting EnableLinkedConnections do on a technical level?

Note: the base problem for me is to be able to access a network share that I (Win 7 admin user) have set up when I run an elevated program. Normally the elevated program will not have access to my non-elevated network shares. According to Microsoft…
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Get files from server two steps away

We have the following situation: My machine A gateway machine The target machine I have no root rights on both #2 and #3. I can also not really store information (no more then 200 MiB) on machine #2 (since it is ment to be a gateway into the rest…
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2 answers

How to setup an NFS server that caches a network share?

User data is stored on two fairly large (>1 PB) OpenStack Swift storage clusters. Let them be Cluster A and Cluster B. In addition, there are several PoPs that need to interact with that data. Servers in these PoPs are effectively diskless, meaning…
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How did I get this Windows share to prompt for login?

Or: "Is this a thing? And how would I check if it was?" In an environment without a Domain Controller, when accessing a share on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box, from a remote computer without a matching user account on the server, (and connecting by…
3 answers

Windows could not reconnect all network drives

OK, before you get all "OFF TO SUPERUSER WITH YOUR ISSUE!", they specifically state in their Help pages: "NOT about issues specific to corporate IT support and networks", and since this is a corporate network I'm dealing with and I'm the IT…
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1 answer

Accessing a windows shared folder from Linux?

I am trying to copy a (.html) file from a Windows XP Professional shared folder onto a server running Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS. As it's a shared folder the usual 'wget' doesn't seem to work. I suspect I'm using the wrong address style completely. I…
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3 answers

Access Network Folder using Different User Credential

Domain Controller OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Client OS: Windows XP, Windows 7 Windows XP client name: Client1 Windows XP client name: Client2 I had login as abc.local\Q2020 on Client1 and accessing other Client2 shared folder via Start > Run >…
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1 answer

In Windows, is it possible to share a symlink as a network share?

Summary Is it possible to share a symlink to a network location as a Network Share in Windows? E.G: D:\folder\Shared\foo on \\server is shared as \\server\foo, where D:\folder\Shared\foo is actually a directory symbolic link to…
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