Questions tagged [windows-explorer]

Windows Explorer is the default graphical file system browser and manager included in all Microsoft operating systems since Windows 95. It is sometimes referred to as the "Windows Shell," though it is actually just one component of the Windows shell.

Windows Explorer icon, Windows Vista/7

Windows Explorer is the default graphical file system browser and manager included in all Microsoft operating systems since Windows 95. It is sometimes referred to as the "Windows Shell," though it is actually just one component of the Windows shell.

It was first included as a replacement for the Windows 3.1 "File Manager" and has changed and been upgraded substantially since its first release, though is still essentially the same program. As such, it retains some limitations from as far back as Windows 95, such as not being able to work on paths with more than 260 characters.

In Windows 8 and Server 2012, it has been renamed to " File Explorer," had its UI changed substantially, and includes some new features, most notably, the ability to pause and resume File System operations.

78 questions
3 answers

How to force Windows to prompt for credentials while accessing share

By default when I access some computer's share ( typing \\hostname in Windows Explorer ) Windows passes credential of my current user. It prompts for credentials only when current user's credentials are incorrect. Is there some way to force Windows…
1 answer

Windows shares via command line with user/pass, without mapping the drive?

In my day to day work, I need to access data on shared folders using different credentials (my desktop account is not the same as the account I use to access these servers). Normally, I'd map a few drives and be done with it; the problem is I access…
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3 answers

How to Restart explorer.exe Remotely?

I'm having big troubles with a remote server that for some reason explorer.exe crashed and, although I didn't lose remote desktop connectivity, I can't do anything. Is there a way of restarting explorer without rebooting the server? I appreciate ANY…
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7 answers

search for just folders in windows explorer

Is there a way to search in windows explorer for just folders? I know folders get sorted to the top, but I'm always looking for that extra option.
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16 answers

What is the best way to remove 100,000 files from a Windows Directory

I had a user with more that 100,000 files in a single directory. The machine locks up and become unusable for a long time whilst the Explorer fills up memory and the machine can crash. Is there a simple way of dumping the directory and contents? We…
David Allan Finch
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4 answers

How do I purge or empty Windows Explorer's network username and sharename cache?

While troubleshooting a Samba vs Windows Network issue, I noticed that Windows' Explorer remembers login credentials of remote shares, even if you ask it not to. For instance, after accessing a share using \\servername\sharename plus entering…
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8 answers

Can I make windows treat Shortcuts to Folders the same it would a Folder?

I'm moving some folders to an external storage drive and replacing them with a Shortcut, however the shortcut is listed in with the Files, not the Folders. It also doesn't show up in the folder Tree View that's on the left side of Windows…
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5 answers

How to stop explorer.exe from keeping files open

I have a Windows 2003 server machine, this machine is backed up by a nightly scheduled task that copies files and folders to a portable USB hard drive (encrypted using TrueCrypt) Every week the portable drive is takes off-site and another drive is…
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1 answer

Change starting location of Explorer from Windows-E

How do I change which folder/location Windows Explorer opens to when I run it by pressing Windows-E? I'd like for it to open in My Documents instead of at the root of Computer. I've found references for explorer.exe command line options, but I…
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8 answers

See network computer description in Explorer

When viewing the list of network computers in Windows Explorer on a Win 7 machine there appears to be no way of readily seeing the description field, which makes that pretty well useless. I believe this problem started with Vista but I'm seeing it…
John Gardeniers
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2 answers

How do I clean up the right-click context menu in Windows explorer?

Sometimes applications plug into the context menu that I get on right-click on files and folders in Windows Explorer. After some time this menu gets really messy and I just want to clean it up. Can you tell me how I can do this?
Sebastian Hoitz
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5 answers

Mapped drives not showing in first run of Windows Explorer

We have a handful of Windows XP SP3 users whose mapped drives don't always appear in Windows Explorer when they initially log in. "net use" shows the drives are mapped correctly and they can see them in File Open dialogs in other applications.…
Alistair McMillan
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5 answers

Windows Explorer Toolbar button for Hide/Show Hidden or System files?

Has anyone run across a nice small Windows Explorer Shell Extension that simply adds toolbar buttons at the top of the window to Hide/Show Hidden files and to Hide/Show System files? I know about the Folder settings for these that are buried in the…
Scott Bussinger
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4 answers

Disabling the prompt to "Click Continue to permanently get access to this folder" (e.g. via GPO) describes the manner in which, when a member of the Administrators group uses Explorer to navigate to a folder to which the Administrators group has permission, the user will be prompted to "Click…
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4 answers

How to diagnose a hang when creating a new folder in explorer.exe

I have been having some issues with explorer.exe hanging when I create a new folder. If I use Analyse Wait Chain in the Resource Monitor it says "One or more threads of explorer.exe are waiting to finish network I/O". When I look at the offending…
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