Questions tagged [finder]

12 questions
6 answers

OS X: Finder error -36 when using SMB shares on a Samba server bound to AD

We're looking at deploying SMB homes on Debian (5.0.3) for our mac clients rather than purchasing four new Xserves. We've got our test servers built and functioning properly. Windows clients behave perfectly, but we've run into an issue with OS X…
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Shared folder mounted on OSX: NFS, WebDAV or AFP?

We are trying to figure out how to best mount a network share on OSX machines (only). We went with WebDAV initially which does what expected but it's extremely sluggish. Also the Finder seesm to have problems working with WebDAV. Are NFS and in…
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3 answers

How to block Finder's "Remember this password" on client computers?

I'm administering a cluster of Macs, with shared login. (The shared login thing wasn't my idea, but I've got to live with it.) We're running into problems where users connect to fileshares and click the "Remember this password in my keychain"…
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6 answers

Removing a process from launchd without restarting

I have a machine on which I do not want finder to run, so initially I made it unexecutable: sudo chmod -R a-x /System/Library/CoreServices/ But then realised that launchd was still trying to launch finder multiple times every second,…
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Color tag in Finder on NFS share

I want a group of OS X users to be able to color tag each others' files in a NFS shared directory. The NFS share is hosted on a Solaris machine. Currently the files have rwx group permissions but only the owner may set color tags. It's first when…
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4 answers

how to activate "Cut [Command+X]" option in Mac?

I am new to OS X and one thing that is constantly bugging me is the fact that I cannot move any file in Finder. I have to copy the file and then delete the file at the source. Can anyone help me out with a solution?
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2 answers

Greyed out Folder in Finder (OSX) on Network SMB Share

Bear with me, this is long and complicated, but TL;DR Where does OSX hide extra attributes on files (either on shares or local)? We are having issues in our Enterprise environment. We have an Oracle ZFS setup and our OSX machines are SMB mounting…
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2 answers

Permission denied when copying on a fileshare in Finder, but copying via command line works

I'm trying to copy files on a SMB fileshare. When I attempt to copy the files in Finder, I get the following error: The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items. Copying via (using a…
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What GUI file explorers exist (Mac or Windows) to browse folders with wildcards?

I use a synology NAS, and have snapshots enabled. This creates a bunch of timestamped copies of folders in a #snapshots directory for each share. For instance, if I have the folder homes/alex/my/folder/structure/ (where "homes" is a default share in…
1 answer

Cant see Shared Macs over PPTP VPN (OS X)

I have setup a PPTP VPN using a DD-WRT router which is functioning fine. I can ping internet to external and external to internal. I have also tested file sharing over AFP and SMB with success. My issue is that connected users both inside and…
1 answer

OSX Get Info Exclude Hidden Files / Folders

We have a procedure where by users check files/folder count in a folder they receive to a document that is automatically generated and tells them the amount of documents etc that should be in the folder. In windows this works as the properties…
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find or locate Windows Server 2008 R2 volume license key

Need help to find and locate Windows Server 2008 R2 volume license keys from the system registry, to document what keys are with which server. I have tried Magic Jelly Bean and Produkey, but both will not display "volume license keys", but instead…
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