Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

ALB Ingress fails to start due to 'no certificate for host *'

I am using cert-manager with my EKS cluster to generate Lets Encrypt certificates for my ALB. While the certificate is generated just fine, the Ingress cannot find it and fails to start the ALB with the error Failed build model due to ingress:…
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Connecting a CronJob service to a service mesh when no ports are exposed

I am fairly new to Kubernetes and currently working on a project where I am trying to add a CronJob deployment service to our Kubernetes service mesh. My current deployment and Cronjob does not expose any ports so I was curious if there is a way to…
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Volume not getting mounted (Nexus is running on this Pod)

Nexus is running on worker node and Nexus UI went down because of storage issue. We increased the storage space from 150 GB to 210GB for PV & PVC. Increased storage for PV and PVC Then, when we tried to up the Nexus, volume is not getting mounted…
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Kubernetes 1.24 enable insecure port or disable TLS

We are using actually k8s HA multi master cluster version 1.24 within a secured and access restricted private network behind a hardware firewall. We want to disable TLS for the k8s cluster or at least using an insecure way for internal k8s…
0 answers

Kubernetes Ingress auth-signin redirect to different port

For me the redirect is happening only to the host (ie and I want to redirect to ? Does anyone know how to redirect it to a host:port? My ingress:…
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Cannot open Kubernetes dashboard page

I'm trying to install Kubernetis Cluster with Dashboard on Ubuntu 20.04 TLS using the following commands: Swapoff -a Remove following line from /etc/fstab /swap.img none swap sw 0 0 sudo apt update sudo apt install…
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openstack magnum error when create cluster

I create Cluster via this Cluster template openstack coe cluster template create \ --coe "Kubernetes" \ --image "fedora-coreos" \ --flavor "g1.medium" \ --master-flavor "g1.medium" \ --volume-driver cinder \ --docker-storage-driver…
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How do I schedule Pods so that every cluster Node has the same set of services?

I want every Kubernetes node to have the same set of pods on it. If I scale up a deployment, I want the new pods to go on new cluster nodes that I scaled up. Do I use required node affinity for this?
0 answers

K8s: unable to run command e.g. ip route add in ephemeral container in kubernetes in gcp

I have a pod named "test-pod" in k8s in GCP. This pod has a container named test-pod (same name as pod). I want to attach a ephemeral container to this container and want to run few commands e.g. ip route add command to add some routes on the…
1 answer

kubernetes pod with a socket connection not firing 'close' event

I have a Kubernetes deployment where a pod connects to a client via TCP Socket. On connect and disconnect different events happen. In the dev environment the server can respond to connections, data, and end, but in the production environment it only…
0 answers

Can't find any difference between ClusterIP and NodePort srvice types

So I've been working on a project that involves a cluster spanning a cloud provider VM and a local VM (details here and here) connected through a Wireguard VPN with both the control plane and intra-cluster data plane running through the VPN.…
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Keeping env file in github actions

during migration few projects from gitlab to github I encountered a problem. In gitlab there is something like file type of env variable. So usually in CI configuration I used eg. kubeconfig file (for connecting with k8s cluster) or SSH private key…
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1 answer

Calico Kubernetes Network Policy is denying all traffic and not working as expected

I am trying to implement some Calico based Kubernetes Network Policies. I have already setup Calico in my cluster and all the Calico based pods are running fine. In my cluster, There are two pods. 1. An Nginx pod 2. An Apache pod My requirement is…
0 answers

Calico deployment not saving tolerance for master node

I was trying to setup a Kubernetes Cluster using Amazon EC2 and Kubeadm. I created a 't2.large' EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 18.04 AMI. Setup kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl and docker as the container runtime. Ran the kubeadm init…
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0 answers

k3s/kubernetes how to undo delete of persistentvolumeclaims (local-path) that has status Terminating

I accidentally did : kubectl delete pvc ... Now my pvc shows: NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE awx-projects-claim Terminating …