Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Persistent storage in EKS cluster with multiple availability zones

I have an EKS cluster with one linux worker node, which may instantiate in any availability zone within a region. I need to use persistent storage volume so my data won't be lost in case the node dies. It is worth mentioning that I'm talking about…
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Prometheus - Use case of service discovery by role endpoints and role pod in Kubernetes

While reading Prometheus Configuration documentation and some sample scrape configurations, I found some kubernetes_sd_configs with role service & role endpoints & role pod - job_name: kube-state-metrics kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints …
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How to disable PHP-FPM request logging?

I keep seeing logs like these in my Kubernetes cluster: [php] - - 05/Jul/2020:20:15:55 +0000 "POST /api/bookings" 200 How can I disable them? If PHP wants to write an error or something, I want to keep that, it's just the request logs I don't care…
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How do I change the apiVersion of an object in Kubernetes?

I'm in the process of upgrading a cluster to Kubernetes v1.16. There are some notes about deprecations in that update. One of those notes is that a the apiVersion extensions/v1beta1 for Deployment is removed, and that one should use the apiVersion…
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nginx use-proxy-protocol with Kubernetes cluster

I have a Kubernetes cluster with an external load balancer on a self hosted server running NGINX. I tried to activate the proxy_protocol in order to get the real_ip of clients but NGINX logs are 2020/05/11 14:57:54 [error] 29614#29614: *1325 broken…
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Keep getting "Does not have minimum availability" in Kubernetes cluster when deploying workload

I'm currently running a Kubernetes cluster on a n1 standard1 node (1vCPU and 3.75GB memory).I tried to deploy 4 workloads. I have set resource request and limit as 100m and 128Mi (for container) for each deployment, but when I tried to deploy my 3rd…
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Debugging DNS Resolution Issue in Kubernetes

I have built a Kubernetes cluster using Kubespray on Ubuntu 18.04 and facing DNS issue so basically containers cannot communicate through their hostnames. Things that are working: containers communication through IP addresses internet is working…
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SSH into GKE node on a private cluster

I have created a private cluster on GKE and a NAT is configued along with the cluster. I also have a bastion setup to access the private cluster. I'm trying to SSH into one of the nodes and unable to do so since private nodes do not have an…
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Cannot create PersistentVolume in Kubernetes

I'm trying to create a new PersistentVolume in Kubernets (version 1.14), but it returns me the following error: The PersistentVolume "postgres-pv-volume" is invalid: * spec.persistentvolumesource: Forbidden: is immutable after creation *…
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Running MQTT broker in Kubernetes (nginx-ingress-controller) with TCP over SSL

I'm currently trying to setup a MQTT broker (VerneMQ) on my kubernetes cluster (GKE). At the moment I'm using nginx-ingress-controller with a Google provided L4 load balancer. The VerneMQ deployment and service are running in the cluster and a…
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CircleCI cannot specify region to deploy to in GKE

I have been tying to update a deployment in a GKE cluster using CircleCI. I was able to make container build and upload to GCR work just fine. But I could not find a way to specify the GCP region when authenticating using the command such as gcloud…
5 answers

Kubernetes wait on pod/job

Upon push I want to create a single kaniko build job, it currently works but after the job is finished it shows: kaniko-5jbhf 0/1 Completed 0 9m13s Yet when I run the following it just pauses indefinitely: kubectl…
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Google Cloud Kuberbetes run-away systemd 100% CPU usage

Last week, after upgrading our GKE cluster to Kubernetes 1.13.6-gke.13, all of our nodes in the cluster started to fail due to high CPU usage. It's the Kubernetes software on the nodes themselves which uses up all the CPU, not the pods. This is what…
3 answers

Does Amazon EKS support IPv6 networking?

I have been searching for hours, but can't find any direct information on this topic. Here is what I know: Calico can be deployed into EKS Configuring IPv6 networking is possible with Calico. Configuring IPv6 networking with Calico requires the…
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missing '=' etcd when defining service file

I'm struggling while following Kelsey Hightower's "Kubernetes the Hard Way" tutorial. I've gone off script, because I'm trying to bootstrap k8s on a local server. I've got the point where I'm bootstrapping etcd, however, when I'm creating the…
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