Questions tagged [mqtt]

18 questions
1 answer

worker_connections are not enough - Nginx, docker

In my production server we have several upstreams which are docker containers running behind a reverse proxy with nginx. One of this containers is a mqtt broker (mosquitto) that we use to connect through websockets. This is our nginx.conf…
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How to setup Mosquitto MQTT Broker in Kubernetes

I have been trying to set up ChirpStack in a Kubernetes space, but it doesn't seem to be working for me, and I can't find any resources online that have been the solution. **chirpstack-application-server-6d6f8d699c-nlrmx 1/1 Running …
J M Smith
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Running MQTT broker in Kubernetes (nginx-ingress-controller) with TCP over SSL

I'm currently trying to setup a MQTT broker (VerneMQ) on my kubernetes cluster (GKE). At the moment I'm using nginx-ingress-controller with a Google provided L4 load balancer. The VerneMQ deployment and service are running in the cluster and a…
1 answer

Pod using Vernemq helm package cannot start

I'm using helm to install vernemq on my kubernetes cluster The problems is it can't start, I accepted the EULA Here is the log: 02:31:56.552 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.195.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason:…
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haproxy acl with "header(host)" check is not working for mqtt backend

I am trying to apply HAProxy acl to choose mqtt broker backend is not working. I have tried following HAProxy configurations. Environment: HAProxy version: 1.8.19 MQTT Broker: EMQ X Broker version 3.0 Sample Config 1 listen mqtt bind *:80 …
0 answers

How can I use NGINX to reverse-proxy a MQTT service over SSL?

I've setup several server blocks for websites with NGINX. I can reverse-proxy (as well as force all traffic to https on these sites). I'm trying to setup a MQTT broker so that it uses SSL. server { server_name; listen 80; …
Mike Forman
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Google Cloud Platform and Nginx reverse proxy

I'm very new to this, so I apologize if I may not even get the terms right. What I'm trying to accomplish is a reverse proxy with Nginx where I listen to https (port 443) and MQTT (port 8883) and pass those through to their respective back end…
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Mosquitto ACL default all users read to a topic

I am trying to create a default access for all users unless specified in the ACL file. I have allow_anonymous set to false. However, if a user is in the password file, I want that user to be able to have read access only to a specific topic. If I…
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E: Unable to locate package mosquitto

I'm trying to install the mosquitto package, but when I type sudo apt-get install mosquitto it returns E: Unable to locate package mosquitto. I already ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. Output from apt search mosquitto: Sortierung...…
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Linux server not allowing more than 2048 concurrent connections

I tried to do load test on MQTT from my MACOS, and was able to successfully achieve more than 12k connections till my bandwidth got exhausted. I tried to do the same test on GCP machine and it gave me connection timed out exception once the opened…
Dhruv Sehgal
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Treat TCP as MQTT protocol

I have packets captured during not encrypted MQTT communication: Protocol is detected as TCP. How to ask Wireshark to analyze packets as MQTT? UPD In case I set MQTT server work on default 1883 port I Wireshark treats packets like MQTT. But how to…
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Hostapd client unable to connect to docker container network

I've setup hostapd on a RP3 so I could connect some IoT devices to it. Inside the RP3 I have several docker containers, one of which is running a MQTT Broker. The MQTT Broker is running on a bridge network (, Hostapd is configured under…
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How to get haproxy and keepalived working on the same device as an emqx broker

I'm rather new to this, so please be patient. My setup is essentially thre devices using mqtt, connecting through two brokers both running emqx. Both emqx brokers are also supposed to be set up as haproxy load balancers, with keepalived in case one…
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Fails to read certfile/keyfile when run as SYSTEMD

EDIT: I wrote a python script that starts mosquitto client with TLS options ON. All worked fine when I run it from command line (w/o sudo). Now it broke after re-installing some packages. However, I needed the script to start on system boot, so I…
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Connection to mosquitto failed with error code 'error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number'

I'm having problems configuring mosquitto with SSL. Everything works fine in clear text (1883) but when I do the SSL configuration and test it (8883), I get the following errors: mosquitto_pub --host --port 8883 --topic test -m "bankai"…
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