Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to restrict kubernetes dns resolution to return instance on same node as pod?

I have a setup where we're running telegraf and the pod is configured as a daemon set in rancher (so instance per node.) Now when doing nslookup over the alias in any container, dns resolution returns all ips of all instances on all nodes. Is it…
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How to create kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler with specific name?

I tried to create a kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler with specific name (ttt), but it didn't work as expected: $ kubectl autoscale deployment hello-web --cpu-percent=50 --min=2 --max=10 --name=ttt horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/hello-web…
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1 answer

Kubernetes with cert-manager and nginx

I am attempting to setup jetstack/cert-manager on kubernetes. This will provide the certificates for multiple of my subdomains. It has worked great until I needed to create an nginx.conf file. What happens now is that all the requests from…
1 answer

Kubernetes nginx ingress session affinity

TL;DR: I can't get session affinity in Kubernetes work using the official nginx ingress helm chart. I've tried these instructions: Sticky Sessions - nginx ingress controller Using Session Affinity on Kubernetes I've also tried to read up on the…
1 answer

Kubernetes & OpenVPN: Inbound routing from wider network

We are trying to set up an OpenVPN remote access server within a Kubernetes cluster, to replace a service previously hosted on an on-prem firewall. Our wider network is partly on GCP/GCE, with dynamic BGP routing to our on-prem sites over…
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GKE private loadbalancer / ingress service with path based routing?

I want to create one private ingress / service of type LoadBalancer, and use it with multiple PODs with path-based routing. Is this possible? I know that Ingress with public endpoint supports path-based routing, but I'm looking for a loadbalancer…
2 answers

503 Service Unavailable with ambassador QOTM service

I have a kubernetes master/node setup in cent os. After setting up ambassador as an API gateway, I have tried a sample route with QOTM service for which when I send a http request to the route, I receive 503 Service unavailable in the response with…
1 answer

How to make ingress connect to pod in my network

my k8s master node has Public network IP, and worker node deploy in private net. worker node can connect to master but master cannot connect to worker node. I have tested that can deploy a pod by kubectl, the pod running on worker node and master…
1 answer

How to create a single MongoDB Container in Kubernates Cluster

I am running a Kubernates Cluster in GCP. Each one of my clients/customer will need their own Kubernates Cluster. Each Cluster/client needs to have their own database. What is the best way to go about this? I would like each cluster to have a…
3 answers

Metric client health check failed: the server is currently unable to handle the request (get services heapster)

I am new to Kubernetes and is trying to deploy one master and 2 nodes. I completed the installation in master and the pods are running. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS …
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2 answers

How do I suppress logs in a kubernetes container?

I have set up a freeradius container in a kubernetes cluster. By default freeradius doesn't log authentication attempts or log passwords in plain text, however, if the service is started with the "-X" arg (debugging mode), it overrides the default…
John Calder
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1 answer

Calibrating application for resource consumption

I have an application that is ~40 docker containers varying from NoSQL, RDBMS, C applications, Go apps, Python and so on, orchestrated using Kubernetes, Its all running on GCP. With a GLB(Load Balancer) at the frontend. Now if I create a lot of…
2 answers

Kubernetes container messing files owner

I have a Debian box running Kubernetes, there I got ALL my production environment with nearly 50 deployments. My problem is that in one of the pods which is running Odoo server as a non priviledge user some files (not all of them) are being created…
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2 answers

Sync Kubernetes Storage with files from Windows

We want to migrate some applications to google kubernetes. One of these applications is strictly bound to a folder, from which it reads files, which are exported from a third-party application. My dewy-eyed idea from an easy windows-mount or similar…
1 answer

How to get pod's TCP or WebSocket connection count on Google Kubernetes Engine?

Is there any way to get pod's TCP or WebSocket connection count on Google Kubernetes Engine? My point is, i need to create and scale new pod instance if my pod's connection count (not request) is over 2000? I read GKE's and Google StackDriver's…