Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Does nfs persisent volume mount work in a single node kubernetes cluster?If so,how?

I have tried with the volume type 'Hostpath' and it worked fine.Apart from 'HostPath' are there any other volumes supporting single node cluster?
1 answer

Kubernetes: Clone existing volume

Is there any way to create a new persistent volume claim on basis of a already bound volume? So kind of a like a cloning or copying function? I searched the web but I only found solutions on how to download content from an existing volume and then…
1 answer

Is it possible to set an AWS autoscaling policy for Kubernetes nodes using kops?

I've setup a private K8s cluster using kops on AWS, and I'd like to be able to autoscale the nodes based on CPU use. I've read that this is possible with GCE, but is it possible with AWS?
Jon Buys
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TLS Encryption with Azure WAF and AKS

I am currently working on the topic AKS behind a WAF. We already have an AKS running. The requests are already secured by the WAF. Now I would like to encrypt the connection from WAF to AKS and the services in AKS via TLS. How can I achieve this?
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Is it possible to get the cgroup path for a Docker container managed by Kubernetes?

When we use kubectl describe pods , a great deal of information is output, including the node that the server is running on, and miscellaneous information about the pod, including the container IDs and images. If we ssh into the node, we…
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Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: error dialing backend: - Azure Kubernetes Service

We have upgraded our Kubernates Service cluster on Azure to latest version 1.12.4. After that we suddenly recognize that pods and nodes cannot communicate between anymore by private ip : kubectl get pods -o wide -n kube-system -l…
Andris Smits
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kubernetes CRISocket information upload fails with node not found

I am using the following kubeadmin config with external etcd setup for HA kubernetes setup following in bare metal server with centos7. etcd version - v3.2.26 kind:…
Anshu Prateek
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1 answer

Why we need to go for elasticsearch cluster with kubernetes?

I have installed kubernetes on my DC and all is working fine. I have tested several services like mongodb and web services. But my goal is to find a good solution for Elasticsearch big data. From internet most of the techies are talking about Big…
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Some Kubernetes traffic ignoring VLAN

I have a small Kubernetes cluster that I set up using kubeadm. My servers are connected via a VLAN, which my provider lets me add my servers into. The VLAN adds a network adapter (ens6), which I created a virtual adapter (veth0) on, that assigns…
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1 answer

Elasticsearch - Kubernetes [handshake failed, mismatched cluster name]

When setting up Elasticsearch cluster on Kubernetes with 2x data, 2x master and 2x client nodes (each container on sepearete physical node) i get the following error in client-node: [2019-01-28T12:25:08,574][WARN ][o.e.d.z.UnicastZenPing ]…
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How to run a docker image on kubernetes that accepts command line arguments?

My question is similar to this one. I have a docker image, that contains a python file that accepts arguments from command line using sys.stdin(). I can run the image using the following command cat file.csv | docker run -i -t my_image It pipes…
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How to autoscale Kubernetes cluster on AWS

I created kubernetes cluster on aws ec2 using kubeadm. Now I need to autoscale the K8's cluster when there are not enough resources on nodes to schedule new pods, How can I achieve autoscaling feature for my cluster?
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3 answers

Can you run a kubernetes cluster inside a kubernetes cluster?

Let's say you have a large organisation that is running its own kubernetes cluster on bare metal. The idea is that different business units in this organisation can get cloud resources 'on demand' and do what they want on it. To this end you could…
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1 answer

How to get a file out of a failed build-pod from OpenShift?

I have a buildconfig on OpenShift which fails to build. The output tells me that the server.log file might contain more info. But OpenShift is deleting the build-pod immediately after the run, so I can't access the file. I'm not quite familar with…
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1 answer

Can I create a deployment from a list of pods?

My application isn't fully stateless yet, and part of it needs one stateful service per customer. Is there a way I can create a deployment that creates and maintains a single pod for each of a list of cust-foo, cust-bar etc, or do I need to create…
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