I have a Debian box running Kubernetes, there I got ALL my production environment with nearly 50 deployments. My problem is that in one of the pods which is running Odoo server as a non priviledge user some files (not all of them) are being created with root user as owner.

this is my deployment yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1 # for versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
  namespace: odoo
  name: app
      app: odoo
    type: Recreate
        app: odoo
        fsGroup: 1000
      - name: odoo
        image: my-odoo
        - /docker-entrypoint.sh
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 80
          name: odoo
        - containerPort: 110
          name: pop3
        - containerPort: 995
          name: pop3s
        - containerPort: 25
          name: smtp
        - containerPort: 993
          name: imaps
        - name: home
          mountPath: /home
        - name: maildir
          mountPath: /var/mail
        - name: maildir
            path: /mnt/odoo/maildir
        - name: home
            path: /mnt/odoo/home

In my entrypoint script I run odoo using supervisord here is my conf:

programs = odoo-web, odoo-monitor, odoo-beat, odoo-worker-default-0, odoo-worker-cdr-1, odoo-worker-notifications-2, odoo-worker-default-notifications-3

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin --proxy-mode

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery worker -l INFO -n default-0@%%h -c4 -Q odoo-10.0.default

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery worker -l INFO -n cdr-1@%%h -c1 -Q odoo-10.0.cdr

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery worker -l INFO -n notifications-2@%%h -c2 -Q odoo-10.0.notifications

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery worker -l INFO -n default-notifications-3@%%h -c2 -Q odoo-10.0.default,odoo-10.0.notifications

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery beat -s /home/odoo/var/celerybeat-schedule

user = odoo
directory = /home/odoo/var/run
command = /home/odoo/bin/odoo-bin celery flower`

As you can see all process are running as user odoo which has uid 1000.

My underlying docker file system is overlay2.

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting messed up owner in files created by a non root process?

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  • Need more information. Which files are being created as root, and who is creating them? – Tim Hockin Feb 28 '19 at 18:27
  • Files under odoo filestore are being created as root, I have a mayor improvement this week. I noticed that the user I'm using to run odoo can do sudo without password. I have removed that. Now files aren't getting wrong permissions so it maybe a bug in Odoo or in one of it dependencies or in python itself that permits a common user to become superuser with sudo, if NOPASSWD is specified in the sudoers. – aafirvida Mar 04 '19 at 16:49
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    You assert that it is running as non-privileged, but you don't set `runAsUser` anywhere, so it's probably still running as root. You can test by `kubectl exec -ti` into your container - run `id` and see what the uid/gid are. – Tim Hockin Mar 05 '19 at 17:26

2 Answers2


As user1330614 mentioned in the comments:

I noticed that the user I'm using to run odoo can do sudo without password. I have removed that. Now files aren't getting wrong permissions so it maybe a bug in Odoo or in one of it dependencies or in python itself that permits a common user to become superuser with sudo, if NOPASSWD is specified in the sudoers.

However, Tim Hockin suggested to test current container user, because:

You asserted that Odoo server pods are running as non-privileged, but you don't set runAsUser anywhere, so they are probably still running as root:

  • kubectl exec -ti into your container
  • run id and see what the uid/gid are.
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Well I've found a workaround: The user I'm using to run odoo can do sudo without password. I have removed that. Now files aren't getting wrong permissions so it maybe a bug in Odoo or in one of it dependencies or in python itself that permits a common user to become superuser with sudo, if NOPASSWD is specified in the sudoers.

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