Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
3 answers

Google Kubernetes Work Load HTTP Traffic Monitoring

I created an express app and deployed to Google kubernetes. I can see the workload there and access the app using the service URL. How can I see the traffic information with the status code? E.g. the number of times the API is hit with status code…
Mohd Shahid
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2 answers

How do I upgrade to Istio 1.1.3 on GKE using the Istio add-on?

According to this documentation on Google Cloud's website, the supported GKE version for Istio 1.1.3 is 1.13.5-gke.15. However, even a fresh GKE install using the $ gcloud beta container clusters create ... --cluster-version "1.13.5-gke.15" ...…
1 answer

Slow GCP HTTP Global Load Balancer configuration

I have a GCP HTTP global load balancer config which is very slow and difficult to manage in the cloud console UI, almost to the point of being unusable. My other configs are very fast and far less complex. The load balancer itself is performing well…
1 answer

Kubernetes with Dual Stack on both Pod and Service level

I have 3 Ubuntu VMs where all of them have 2 interfaces. One interface with v4 address and other with both v4 and v6 address. 3 VMs are reachable from each other on all 3 (2 v4 and 1 v6) addresses. I'm trying to install Kubernetes Cluster with…
1 answer

Why is an Ingress resource assigned external IPs?

I have a GKE cluster running with the nginx-ingress controller from the Kubernetes community (via Helm). I set it up with a regional IP which I had reserved in advance like so: helm install stable/nginx-ingress \ --set…
1 answer

How to get kubeadm to complete and launch the static pods defined in etc kubenertes manifests with containerd

Im working on fedora 30 (also tried fedora 29) and im unable to get past kubeadm init, this is the error i get: kstarter]# kubeadm init --ignore-preflight-errors=Swap,Service,Docker,SystemVerification,NumC PU --config=/root/con/cc.yaml [init]…
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2 answers

Upgrading Kubernetes from 1.8 -> 1.14

I have a number of kubernetes clusters running on version 1.8 for kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet and associated containers. I need to make a plan to get these clusters upgraded to 1.14. I see that the official recommendation is to go one version at a…
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0 answers

Setting environment variable in kubernetes before pulling an image

Is there a way to set the environment variables in kubernetes before it pulls the container image? For some context, I'm looking for alternatives to what I've asked in ECR IAM policy document for EKS node access. According to the kubernetes docs…
Ai Su
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1 answer

IBM HttpServer the configured certificate chain contains a signature that is not compatible with peers TLS Signature Algorithm requirements

I have a kubernetes ingress service, forwarding traffic to an SSL port on an IBM HTTP Server, but the connection fails with SSL0280E: SSL Handshake Failed, the configured certificate chain contains a signature that is not compatible with peers TLS…
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0 answers

Configuring TCP services with nginx ingress on minikube/k8s

I'm new to k8s/minikube (and to some extent, unix networking in general) so if I ask something that seems to make no sense, I'll be happy to clarify! Goal I want to configure a port-based TCP ingress, as described briefly in the nginx-ingress docs.…
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1 answer

kube-system pods in private GKE cluster can't make internet connections

After migrating all our Kubernetes workloads to private clusters, we've found that the SD metrics explorer is no longer receiving any data. Although we have cloud NAT setup to work with all subnets, pods in kube-system are unable to connect to the…
3 answers

Allow outbound traffic on an Azure Kubernetes cluster

I created a AKS cluster following the documentation procedure. I created pod inside the cluster and when getting a tty into them (kubectl exec -it pod-name -- /bin/bash), realized that the containers don't have access to resources outside Azure: I…
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1 answer

Virtual Switching Sanity Check - NFS, BGP & Kubernetes

I have a home Kubernetes cluster that runs in 4 VMs on top of Proxmox. Proxmox is tagged to VLAN 20, the Kubernetes VMs are tagged to VLAN 40. The Kubernetes VMs are BGP neighbors of my router so that I can tag pods to then run on one of two other…
TJ Zimmerman
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1 answer

Can't delete instance group in GCP

We have kubernetes running on a cluster in google cloud. Something happened to the cluster, and all of the nodes had the status We attempted to delete the cluster, but it is not working. The instance groups…
1 answer

OpenShift Spanning Cluster: Distribute Replicas evenly between datacenters

I have an OpenShift Cluster which is spanned between two physical separated datacenters for georedundancy. The nodes are labeled according to their location. Now i'm searching for a way to configure the scheduler in such a way that if a pod is…
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