Questions tagged [amazon-ecr]

Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry is a software-as-a-service hosted private Docker registry that can be used to store private Docker container images in AWS data centers.

Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry is a software-as-a-service hosted private Docker registry that can be used to store private Docker container images in AWS data centers.


36 questions
1 answer

Can I use AWS ECR image directly in my Dockerfile?

In a typical dockerfile, there is usually this line From ubuntu:16.04 which enables pulling an image from docker repository. Now I have built my own image repository: The repositiory URI is: As…
Anthony Kong
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5 answers

How to connect to AWS ECR using python docker-py

When running from the command line, to pull from a specific registry I can run these commands: dockerCommand=$("aws ecr get-login --profile profileName --region us-west-2") $dockerCommand (which looks like docker login -u AWS -p ..longPassword.. -e…
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4 answers

Integrate Amazon Elastic Container Registry with Jenkins

I'm trying to integrate Amazon's new Elastic Container Registry (ECR) with my Jenkins build service. I'm using the Cloudbees Docker Build & Publish plugin to build container images and publish them to a registry. To use ECR instead of my private…
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2 answers

Amazon ECS Task fails with STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem)

I have set up an AWS VPC and am trying to deploy a functional container in ECS on a Fargate launch type but the task always fails with: STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem) Task role context: ecsTaskExecutionRole Which has…
Roy Hinkley
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6 answers

Docker login to AWS ECR from GitLab CI fails with "dial tcp: lookup docker on x.x.x.x:53: no such host" when pulling docker:dind from ECR

I'm working on porting a collection of Docker images used for GitLab CI/CD building and deployment from Dockerhub to AWS public ECR. Everything works as it should except for the standard Docker image that we use as a Docker-in-Docker service. The…
Alex B.
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3 answers

What is the permission for a IAM user to create a ECR repository?

My IAM user is getting this error User: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/admin is not authorized to perform: ecr:CreateRepository on resource: * when I try to create a repository. I have already grant AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess to the group…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

AWS ECR - Push Successful, Image Does Not Appear in Repo

We're using AWS ECR to host our docker images. We've noticed in a few rare instances that the docker push command can complete successfully, but the resulting image does not appear in the ECR container repository. Any others experiencing this issue?…
Adam Kaplan
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1 answer

Configuring "auth" and "credsStore" for different Docker registry

I'm trying to configure Docker for two different registries. (One ECR and I need to configure ECR one with ecr-login and with simple auth but I'm failing to configure these at the same time. It gives the following error: Error…
U. Ahmad
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0 answers

How to estimate storage and traffic used for docker images in AWS ECR?

I'm trying to esimate monthly cost of using AWS ECR. It will consist of: outgoing traffic cost (downloading images) and storage cost (storing images in ECR). Let's assume, that: We are building some web service using Mono (base docker image size is…
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2 answers

How to choose between Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Elastic Beanstalk, and Lambda?

Background: I've worked with EC2 and RDS. Recently I received a query from a client in which he wants to develop both mobile and web applications using Amazon Web Services, and need advice on which service he should go with? Elastic…
0 answers

Use an ECR image as an agent in Jenkins

What I'd like to do is use an ECR image as an agent in Jenkins when using declarative pipeline Current top of pipeline script looks like so: pipeline { agent { docker { image…
0 answers

How to get Docker to retry image pull?

Our Nomad agents sometimes fails jobs because they cannot pull images from ECR. /var/log/docker will contain messages like: Not continuing with pull after error: error pulling image configuration: Get …
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1 answer

How to add amazon-ecr-credential-helper to path

I'm trying to set up amazon-ecr-credential-helper so that I can have an ansible script automatically push / pull to my aws ecr docker repository, but the instructions for installing it seem very vague. Since I already have Docker installed I tried…
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4 answers

What is the proper way to log in to ECR?

Currently, I have this command in my bash script for building & pushing an image to Amazon ECR docker login -u AWS -p "$(aws ecr get-login-password)" "https://$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output…
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0 answers

How to deploy SSL certificates on Amazon Elastic Container Service?

I have a proxy server (nginx) which has the following responsibilities: proxies to different backends depending on resource requested enforces rate limiting and IP blacklisting handles rewrites and url transformations does SSL termination, has…
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