According to this documentation on Google Cloud's website, the supported GKE version for Istio 1.1.3 is 1.13.5-gke.15.

However, even a fresh GKE install using the $ gcloud beta container clusters create ... --cluster-version "1.13.5-gke.15" ... command gets the following error: ERROR: (gcloud.beta.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=400, message=Master version "1.13.5-gke.15" is unsupported..

According to the GKE release notes, v1.12.7-gke.17 of GKE should "Upgrade Istio to 1.1.3" (the first bullet point). However, it still had version 1.0.6-gke.3.

You can easily find the version installed on GKE using the following command:

$ kubectl get deployment istio-pilot -o yaml -n istio-system | grep image: | cut -d ':' -f3 | head -1

How do I get the GKE Istio add-on version 1.1.3 installed on my cluster?

Aaron H
  • 25
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2 Answers2


That GKE version is still in alpha, so you need to pass the --enable-kubernetes-alpha flag. Also, you don't need to use gcloud alpha.

e.g. try the following:

gcloud container clusters create mycluster --enable-kubernetes-alpha \
  --zone us-central1-c --cluster-version=1.13.5-gke.15

See also the documentation on installing alpha clusters.

David Ebbo
  • 141
  • 3

From what I can see GKE's release notes for V1.12.X have been recently corrected, stating that:

'Istio was not upgraded to 1.1.3 in v1.12.7-gke.17.'

I think it make sense to stick to OSS version of Istio for now, if you want to use a more recent versions than 1.0.6, or switch to gke`s alpha version as @David Ebbo suggested.

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