Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Kubernetes Nginx ingress timeout for two requests only

In our k8s ingress configuration we set timeout to 10min and its applying to all requests. Is it possible to configure timeout only to two requests like /my-service/v1/processfile and /my-service/v1/cachewarmup. Currently our configuration is as…
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Kubernetes - Create a separate namespace for each customer

I want to deploy a traditional monolithic application in Kubernetes. Thousands of customers use this application and each customer has its own instance of application. if we have 5 customers we should run 5 separate instances of this…
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How to disable kubectl insecure approval towards the kube apiserver

I am trying to make my Master Server-API more secure in order to avoid allowing non https requests to go through. Sample of config: $ kubectl config view apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: server: https://ip:6443 name: kubernetes contexts: -…
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How to change a sops encrypted secret without redeploy

I have a cronjob deployed. I need to update a parameter -- rotate an AES key -- contained in the secret. The secret is sops encrypted. Is it possible to update the AES key without redeploying the job? What I have tried: "kubectl edit secret…
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Kubernetes node runs into DiskPressure and failed ImageGC

so, as of recent I have faces a few problem with my local docker-desktop (Windows) Kubernetes cluster. Every now and then, the cluster just randomly seems to run into DiskPressure, and can't schedule any Pods anymore (all end up in Pending…
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Attribute a static public ip for a pod in kubernetes

In my data center, I implemented a Kubernetes infrastructure with 3 workers and one master node. I'm looking to build 5 pods running postfix mail server, but because of risking to be blacklisted, I'm looking to assign a specific public IP to each…
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【Troubleshooting and Questions】Kubernetes Pod-to-Pod Communication Cross Nodes

Troubleshooting Pod-to-Pod Communication Cross Nodes Prerequisite: I use VirtualBox to setup 2 VMs. VirtualBox version is 6.1.16 r140961 (Qt5.6.2). The OS is CentOS-7(CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2003.iso). One VM as kubernetes master node, named…
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Hosting docker images on multiple registries but reference them the same way e.g. in a k8s deployment

Since I started with docker there is one question that follows me and I could not get a good answer so far. Let's assume I have a .yaml file specifying a k8s deployment. We are building our docker images on a local build server and they are getting…
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Dockerfile & Kubernetes - COPY function doesn't seem to work (files not in Pod on deployment)

So I am running a local kubernetes cluster on my macOS using Docker for Desktop. I am setting up a Kubernetes cluster that I'd like to test locally, but I have some issues copying other my local folder to the source image. My Dockerfile is pretty…
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Kubernetes Ingress with static IPv4 address

I have set Kubernetes up with kubeadm, bare-metal on Ubuntu Linux instances. These are instances on GCE, but I am not using the specific GKE native cluster service. Each instance (as a node) has a static, external IPv4 address. I am trying to make a…
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Don't log stack-traces from kubelet

I've got something wrong with my Kubernetes node, but it's hard to debug because I get pages and pages of stack trace like Nov 13 10:55:51 corona kubelet[29656]: /workspace/anago-v1.19.4-rc.0.51+5f1e5cafd33a88/src/ Nov…
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Kubernetes eks supported HPA api version

Does anyone know if eks 1.15 supports apps/v1 api for hpa scalling? We have 2 environments and would like to keep the helm repo updated to both code versions
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Intermittent connection failures to Kubernetes service on GKE

I've been trying to diagnose this issue for several days and have a pretty good picture what is happening, but still no idea why. The symptom is requests to different Services with failing TCP network connection (EHOSTUNREACH, ECONNREFUSED,…
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EC2 with Kubernetes - Should I disallow EC2 from accessing external networks to improve safety?

I want to use Kubernetes on some clouds (maybe Amazon, Google, etc). Should I disallow my EC2 machines from accessing the external network? My guess is as follows, and I wonder whether it is correct or wrong? I should disallow EC2 from accessing…
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Kops: Adjust existing kubernetes storageclass

Summary How do I adjust an existing storageclass or create a new storage class in Kops? Background We have a Kops provisioned cluster with the gp2 storageclass set up. We require the volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer set so that pods requiring…