Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Prometheus auto scrape metrics from multiple kube-state-metrics in kubernetes?

I want to use a kubernetes(cluster-0)with multiple kube-state-metrics to monitor multiple other kubernetes cluster(cluster-1,2,3,4) In the (cluster-0), I split into multiple namespaces like this: namespace: monitor (here I will run prometheus to…
1 answer

Kubernetes: route outgoing UDP traffic through service

My question is about Kubernetes' internal traffic routing and probably about routing / NAT in general. Goal: I'm running a Wireguard service on Kubernetes and I'd like to route all outgoing traffic which has entered through Wireguard through another…
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Despite having created a specific SSL certificate for a GKE ingress, I still cannot reach the IP address with HTTPS

I created an ingress for a GKE cluster providing a SSL certificate. Now that ingress presents two IP adresses, one with HTTP with a port :80 and another one with HTTPS with a port 443. The problem is that when visiting the HTTPS one, it still shows…
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0 answers

Google Cloud Platform send requests from a backend vm to its own Internal Load Balancer

In this Google Cloud Platform page (2020-10-12), underneath section "Sending requests from load balanced VMs", it says that any traffic from a backend…
1 answer

GKE context deadline exceeded: CreateContainerError and failed to reserve container name

I am running a GKE cluster, and sometimes, one of the nodes has issues with specific containers built from php7-alpine. We run two types of containers, the first type is built from php7-alpine, and the second type is built from the first type.…
1 answer

How to see usage patterns of the `kubectl exec` command?

In a kubernetes cluster I am trying to understand how the kubectl exec is used by the users. Users are exec'ing into which pods in which namespaces? What is the best way to discover that? I think the audit logs are a good starting point but I am not…
Hakan Baba
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Can kubernetes cluster nodes be geologically spread out?

Me and a couple of friends are thinking of setting up a kubernetes cluster where our homeservers will act as the nodes. As our nodes will be spread out between our apartments I am worried this will create problems when it comes to: Exposing…
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How can I set up Kubernetes to forward a set of externally-facing ports on the master node to a service internal to the cluster?

I have a Kubernetes cluster on which I'm running a ZeroMQ broker internally. I have set up a service so that this broker can be found by pods on the cluster, using the following Helm template: #values.yaml zmqServiceType: type: ClusterIP …
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1 answer

Kubernetes - Typical multi-instance architecture

I am looking to deploy a SaaS app using Kubernetes to handle the scaling. After much reading, I have come to the conclusion that multi-instance is the way to go. Ideally, I will have a user log-in and when they have authenticated, a new instance…
Ross Addinall
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0 answers

Docker and Kubernetes installed on Ubuntu 20.04 but I cannot get the docker container to reach outside traffic

I had an Ubuntu 20.04 server which was used for CI/CD and it was using Docker on it to build and publish images. The resources were not that much requested so I decided to install Kubernetes on that server to add a second master node to my k8s…
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0 answers

Why are my Kubernetes worker nodes attempting to pull the infra-pod image when kubelet is run with container-runtime remote?

I have a set of worker nodes that are successfully joining my K8s cluster, but they are failing to schedule any pods due to their inability to pull the infrapod image from the internet. Our cluster is bare metal with Kubernetes 1.18 using CRI-O as…
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1 answer

docker won't run k8s containers (including control plane): "unable to find user 0: invalid argument"

I have had a k8s cluster running for a while without issues. A few days ago, it wouldn't start and when the kubelet starts it creates a number of control-plane containers (in an apparent infinite loop) all marked as Created with the following error…
1 answer

Kubernetes Calico networking: calicoctl reports "reset by peer" and "bird: BGP: Unexpected connect from unknown address"

This is a new cluster built using Kubespray on bare metal. The issue that calicoctl reports not Established status, StatefulSet members cannot communicate between each other and majority of Ingress requests take around 10 seconds to open sample…
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2 answers

kubernetes PersistenceVolume NFS IP change

We are running kubernetes on centos7 on premises from past 3years, Recently our NFS storage device was migrated to different VLAN and there was a change in IP address, now none of pods are functioning properly and waiting for PV. My question is what…
1 answer

How do you prevent a Kubernetes pod from being launched with a ServiceAccount with escalated permissions?

Is this not possible to do? According to the docs: System administrators, use care when granting access to pod creation. A user granted permission to create pods (or controllers that create pods) in the namespace can: read all secrets in the…