Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Replication Controller Not Found

I'm new to Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes. I've been following this tutorial and stuck with the following command: kubectl expose rc my-nginx --target-port=80 --type=NodePort When in try to expose the RC it would print: Error from server…
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Kubernetes cluster internal routing not working (NodePort service)

I've been working on setting up a Kubernetes cluster for while now. My setup features two nodes and one master. All three machines are running on a Proxmox cluster and have 2 virtual network interfaces. One of the interfaces (listed below) is in a…
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How to check weave router ip for k8s nodes?

Every k8s node have individual ip, which is router for all dockers running on it. Is there any way to check by api (k8s, weave, etc...) - ip's of others nodes? I can run of course docker on every node and then check what's router ip there, or just…
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kubernetes gluster volume failing to mount with error “failed to get the 'volume file' from server”

We are running a pod in kubernetes on container engine that just started to to fail in the container creating stage with the following error message? Has anyone seen such an error before? Any suggestions on how to fix? Mounting command:…
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Jenkins Kubernetes plugin: pending All nodes of label are offline

I have a kubernetes cluster that I want to work with jenkins. I have configured jenkins plugin to successfully authenticate with kubernetes cluster, but for some reason when I try to run the build it says all nodes are offline. My config: Any…
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FC persistentvolume: What is the LUN number?

I'm trying to understand how to use fibre channel with OpenShift/Kubernetes persistent volumes. At it states that…
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Kubernetes Ingress HA

I wonder how to solve a highly available proxy/ingress to my web services running on Kubernetes cluster on AWS. Right now, I have a nginx-ingress-controller deployed on a node, this node has assigned EIP and this acts as an edge reverse proxy to…
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Deploying configuration to Kubernetes pods on GCE

I've been looking into using Kubernetes on Google Compute Engine. I have pods with configuration that needs to be deployed to them. Currently, I'm using a persistent disk to do this. However, as a persistent disk cannot be mounted more than once it…
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Does hosted Kubernetes on GCP suppport pet sets? states under "Alpha limitations" [...] most likely will be disabled on hosted offerings of Kubernetes. Does Google Cloud Platform (GCP) support pet sets in their hosted version of Kubernetes?
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2 answers

Monitoring MongoDB 3.2 using Stackdriver in Google Compute Engine failed silently

I'm having problem monitoring MongoDB 3.2 with Stackdriver as of 28 Aug 2016. There is no mention of mongo whatsoever in /var/log/syslog but if I made a configuration error on the .conf file, it complains so I know it's loading the file…
2 answers

Kubernetes rolling update that usually retains local data?

A Kubernetes application which uses local node storage to hold mutable state (as in the Kubernetes 101 example) loses its storage when the app is updated. This is a side-effect of the typical Deployment update approach of turning up new pods and…
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Running single replica Kubernetes service at public IP address and without load balancing

I am running a service in GKE/Kubernetes that exposes a single UDP port at a staric IP address. (I've promoted the static IP address from an ephemeral one in GCE.) If I deploy it with fields as follows the service is reachable. spec: type:…
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Attaching to Kubernetes container (for Asterisk) in GKE leads to endless cycle of attach/detach

I have managed to deploy Asterisk to Google Container Engine (GKE) currently to the extent that a VoIP softphone can register. I'd now like to attach to Asterisk's container. kubectl attach -it however leads fast repetitions of Asterisk's…
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Can Kubernetes service mount multiple “portions” of a single GCE disk at the multiple mount paths?

I am defining my first Kubernetes deployment and would like to define a container that mounts persistent storage at two points, say like this (in Deployment.yaml inside spec.template.spec.containers.-): volumeMounts: - name: volume1 mountPath:…
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Creating a LoadBalancer with multiple protocols on the same port

I am trying to set up a DNS server in Kubernetes on GCP. My service looks like this: kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: coredns-one spec: ports: - name: cdns-one port: 53 protocol: UDP - name:…
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