Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Country filtering (kubernetes, gcloud)

I'm right now using GKE with kubernetes and an nginx container to proxy different services. My goal is to block some countries. I'm used to do that with nginx and it's useful geoip module, but as of now, kubernetes doesn't forward the real customer…
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Kubernetes cluster ip not answering

We've setup a kubernetes cluster with 3 masters and 3 workernodes. Then we've installed the kubernetes-dashboard which failes because it can't connect to kubernetes (api-server). It's looking for localhost:8080 but it's not reachable. When…
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How to safely store data and DBs on Kubernetes (or similar) on DigitalOcean

It boils down to setting up a private cloud on something like Digital Oceans versus another hosting solution like GCE or AWS. The latter have redundant data stores that can be safely used as volumes, while the former provides a bigger per-instance…
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Kubernetes: Interactive Rails Console

I have a Rails server running with both a web and worker Deployment. One starts Puma, the other Sidekiq. How can I connect to an interactive rails console using my application's image running on my Kubernetes cluster?
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Kubernetes heapster - Grafana doesn't display influxdb data

I deployed heapster with influxdb and grafana by following heapster-influxDB guide. When accessing the grafana instance I couldn't see any data in graphs(grafana service exposed to outside from NodePort). There are no errors in heapster and influxdb…
Rumesh Bandara
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2 answers

Kubernetes: Updating a Deployment Image with a TLS Ingress Resource

I'm attempting to update the image for my Deployment. To this I am executing kubectl edit deployment web and am changing the spec.template.spec.containers.image property from:…
1 answer

Upgrade image in a Deployment's pods

I have a Deployment with 3 replicas of a pod running the image, that is located in my private registry. I want do a rolling-update in the deployment when I push a new latest version of that image to my registry. I push the…
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ServiceController should not be run without a cloudprovider

I'm trying to run Kubernetes (Hyperkube) locally using Docker in my machine: I run this command in order to run the kubelet container: docker run \ --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \ --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \ …
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1 answer

Spreading workload across Kubernetes

I've created a Deployment which can contain anywhere between 2 and ~25 containers all working on a slice of a larger single logical unit of work. The containers will use a peak of 700MB-4GB of ram and my initial approach was to request 1G, limit…
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Routing to ClusterIP via VPN

I have the following IP range as ClusterIP from Kubernetes cluster. $ gcloud beta container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME | grep servicesIpv4Cidr servicesIpv4Cidr: I want to allow this IP range accessible from my DC via VPN. After…
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GCE : health check and Liveness Probe

When creating the Target Pool for Network Load Balance, there is a health check option. Also there is a property named livenessProbe in the container spec. A liveness probe checks if the container in which it is configured is still running. If…
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PODs restarted unexpectedly

My development environments are running on Google Container Engine, and the following PODs created by Replication Controller NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE NODE couchdb-dev-ocbud 1/1 Running 3 13h…
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Service dispatches all traffic to one of PODs created by replication controller

I have a Replication Controller which creates more than one PODs. Within each POD, there is a container running an application. Now within the container, it can call kubernetes API as…
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Find the SkyDNS ip and port in kubernetes

Within the Kubernetes cluster which enables SkyDNS (Google Container Engine), how can I find the IP:PORT of the SkyDNS? I want to add that DNS server to NODE's resolve.conf
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Why doesn't nginx wait until my connection during graceful shutdown?

I have an nginx web server to which I execute an nginx -s quit. This is supposed to be a graceful shutdown, so its supposed to wait for all its connections to finish before shutting down. To test to make sure that it is doing as advertised, I…
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