Questions tagged [glusterfs]

GlusterFS is a scale-out NAS file system that runs over Ethernet or Infiniband RDMA interconnect. GlusterFS is now owned by Red Hat.

GlusterFS is a scale-out NAS file system. It is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL v3. It aggregates various storage servers over Ethernet or Infiniband RDMA interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is based on a stackable user space design without compromising performance. It has found a variety of applications including cloud computing, biomedical sciences and archival storage. GlusterFS was developed originally by Gluster, Inc., then by Red Hat, Inc., after their purchase of Gluster in 2011.

322 questions
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NAS Performance: NFS vs Samba vs GlusterFS

I am planning my new shared storage infrastructure for a small webserver farm. Therefore i ran a lot of tests with a lot of NAS filesystems. By doing so, i got some unexpected results and would like to know whether somebody here can confirm this. In…
Linus Ardberk
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2 answers

Is it a good idea to store Docker volumes in glusterfs?

I am currently thinking about migrating some of our servers and apps to a coreOS environment. One of the problems I see here is the management of persistent data as coreOS does not handle Docker volumes when moving a container to a new machine.…
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Systemd: start a unit after another unit REALLY starts

In my particular case I want to start remote-fs unit after all glusterfs completely starts. My systemd files: glusterfs target: node04:/usr/lib/systemd/system # cat glusterfsd.service [Unit] Description=GlusterFS brick processes (stopping…
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4 answers

Are ZFS clustered filesystems possible?

Is it possible to create a ZFS cluster? Or would you need to go the seemingly ugly (to me at least) route of ZFS with UFS formatted pools governed by GlusterFS? The idea is to see if it is possible to expand to Multi-Petabyte distributed store which…
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3 answers

150 TB and growing, but how to grow?

My group currently has two largish storage servers, both NAS running debian linux. The first is an all-in-one 24-disk (SATA) server that is several years old. We have two hardware RAIDS set up on it with LVM over those. The second server is 64…
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1 answer

Create and mount GlusterFS volume with Ansible

I am using GlusterFS to create and mount volumes across 4 machines. Say for example, the machines are called machine1, machine2, machine3 and machine4. My peers have already been successfully probed. I have used the following command to create my…
Karim Tabet
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5 answers

How to monitor glusterfs volumes

Glusterfs, while being a nice distributed filesystem, provides almost no way to monitor it's integrity. Servers can come and go, bricks might get stale or fail and I afraid to know about that when it is probably too late. Recently we had an strange…
Arie Skliarouk
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Security concerns with glusterfs?

I am not really good at gluster as I just started using this yesterday. I have 2 servers. Both are running glusterfs-servers. From server 1: I run sudo glusterfs peer probe server2 and it is added to the cluster. There was no questions asked. I did…
2 answers

Avoiding SPOFS with GlusterFS and Windows

We have a GlusterFS cluster we use for our processing function. We want to get Windows integrated into it, but are having some trouble figuring out how to avoid the single-point-of-failure that is a Samba server serving a GlusterFS volume. Our…
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What exactly does Gluster do?

I've been playing with gluster for the last 2 days and been asking questions here and on their questions system. I really don't understand some of the stuff. I see people saying stuff like Set up replicated bricks between the servers (since you…
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Can I run mysqld on top of glusterfs?

I have been playing with glusterfs recently. What I want to try is to run mysqld on top of the glusterfs in a similar way as it is possible to run MySQL on top of DRBD. I am familiar with MySQL replication and the advantages of using that instead…
Richard Holloway
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GlusterFS split brain with no path, what does it mean?

I was just checking the status of my glusterfs volumes and I have one with split-brain entries that have no path: # gluster volume heal private_uploads info Brick…
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Containerized PostgreSQL with data on a distributed file system

I am curious if somebody is actually running PostgreSQL in a container in production on some form of distributed file system - GlusterFS preferably, or anything. I am currently running Mesos/Marathon. In case the PostgreSQL node fails, Marathon…
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5 answers

glusterfs: failed to get the 'volume file' from server

I have a GlusterFS volume hosted on a remote fileserver. I can mount the volume from my webservers in the same DC as well as other servers in other DCs however when I try to mount the volume on my local dev server the mount fails with the following…
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4 answers

Is GlusterFS a good pick for keeping webservers in sync?

I've got 2 webservers, with the chance of having to add more servers along the way. Right now I keep these servers in synch using lsyncd + csync2. It works well performance wise because all files are on both servers (no network access required to…
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