Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

TLS Termination using kubernetes Ingress

I'm working on putting TLS/SSL in front of my wordpress site in kubernetes. I have an Ingress in front. Without any TLS config I can access the site ok. When I add TLS config I get timeouts on accessing the site. Ingress.yaml: apiVersion:…
Greg Pagendam-Turner
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How can I enable containerization on Windows Server 2012?

I would like to deploy our microservices on a Windows Server 2012 installed machine. How can I enable containerization on that machine? On the Internet, the technical guides generally folds in two favors. One is for container technology on Linux…
1 answer

What is ContainerCreating in Kubernetes?

When updating a Kubernetes RollingUpdate deployment, kubectl get pods shows some of the pods spend a few minutes in the ContainerCreating state before moving to Running. Unfortunately, the official documentation on pod states doesn't include this…
Xiong Chiamiov
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Getting Google's Cloud SQL Proxy to Work

I'm following this example of how to get wordpress running on GKE connected to Google Cloud SQL via the Google Cloud SQL Proxy. But either the documentation, or the proxy itself, is deficient, or I am :-) Unfortunately, my Wordpress pod is failing…
0 answers

How can I efficiently overwrite a persistent disk with a snapshot when the disk was created with dynamic provisioning?

I have a small cluster on GKE, and I use dynamic provisioning to allocate persistent disks for Postgres. These disks are snapshotted on a regular schedule. When an accident happens, what's the best way to overwrite the contents of a dynamically…
1 answer

Unable to telnet at port 80 AWS EC2 instance

I have allowed port 80 on my ec2 instance, and this is my iptables rules on it Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy DROP) target prot opt source …
1 answer

Kubenet does not have netConfig

I have setup a kubernetes cluster with CNI for networking, RBAC and TLS connections. I'm stuck since a couple of hours at getting my nodes ready. root@master ~ # kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS AGE VERSION us1-worker-node01 …
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Docker/Kubernetes (Minikube) boot time - mount: unknown filesystem type 'glusterfs'

I'm trying to set up a kubernetes/docker container (using Minikube) with a glusterfs volume mounted, but every time I try to start the service/pods I get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'glusterfs'" in the error logs. However when I start the…
1 answer

Kubernetes and ansible - missing module

I'm trying to deploy application with Ansible on my Kubernetes cluster. I tried to use this module kubernetes cluster module but when i try to execute my example playbook copied from documentation I'm getting: [WARNING]: Host file not found:…
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GKE containers and 3rd part mongoDB service

We want to use Google Container Engine and mLab (mongoDB cluster) service together. Containers have always public IP from node on which they are started, during scaling nodes are added/deleted so IPs are changeing all the time. Issue is such we…
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Kubernetes: Preserving source IP / Passing external IP as source

Sorry if the title, and tags, are a bit vague, I couldn't figure out the correct terms for it, yet. Please advise, and I will change it. I'm implementing a STUN server, boxed in a Docker container, which is hosted on Google Container Engine's…
Adam Law
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2 answers

Kubernetes Node Metrics Endpoint Returns 401

I have a GKE cluster which, for the sake of simplicity runs just Prometheus, monitoring each member node. Recently I recently upgraded the API server to 1.6 (which introduces RBAC), and had no issues. I then added a new node, running version 1.6…
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kubectl expose apparently exposes wrong port / connections timeout

I have a pod file that looks like this: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test-api labels: app: web spec: containers: - name: test-api-container image: cmgvieira/test-api:latest imagePullSecrets: - name:…
Gui Prá
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2 answers

Does Azure support multiple Agent Profiles for Kubernetes with Container Service?

I have deployed a kubernetes cluster on Azure using the following terraform configuration (sensitive info redacted): resource "azurerm_container_service" "kubernetes" { name = "myacsname" location = "West Europe" …
Stephan Klein
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1 answer

More nodes vs better CPU - which is better for what kind of situations?

I'm now trying to deploy my node.js app with nginx over Google Container Engine, which uses kubernetes. However, the least productive yet cheapest CPU, f1-micro, requires you to use at least 3 nodes in your cluster. The g1-small, the next cheapest…
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