Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How to accept HTTPS and Websockets on a new Google Kubernetes Engine deployment?

I set up a simple 1-node GKE deployment with the default (beta) ingress, created via the GCP console. I would like to set up a Google-managed SSL certificate and HTTPS proxy to the a single GKE node & service hosting HTTP & WebSockets. There are…
0 answers

fsck.ext4 complaining that the device is in use. Can't find what exactly is using it

Our setup is a 3-node RHEL 7.3 bare-metal Kubernetes cluster running on Docker. We have a multipath FC SAN block device discovered on all three nodes. This device is used as a Kubernetes Persistent Volume with ext4 filesystem. The definition of this…
0 answers

Kubernetes: Route egress traffic through different pod

I currently have a docker-compose setup with one container running an OpenVPN client and some containers behind it using --net=container to attach to the network stack of the OpenVPN client container to use it's network connection for outgoing…
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Need help on loadbalancer connection to nginx ingress controller

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ingress-nginx namespace: ingress-nginx labels: app: ingress-nginx spec: type: LoadBalancer externalIPs: - {{ vip_address }} ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 80 selector: app:…
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kubernetes - setting up a public available cluster

So I got a running cluster on my server. The server is running ubuntu 18.06. I set up the cluster using kubeadm, kubectl and kubelet. My goal in a nutshell: I want to reach the services with executing I am kinda lost…
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How to combine podSelector with ports in Kubernetes Network Policy?

I have a pod called mysql-1 with ports 3306 and 3307 open. I want to create a network policy that allow ingress connection from backend-1 to 3306 and backend-2 to 3307. Right now all I could come up with is this policy: apiVersion:…
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FATAL: unexpected error when reading kubeadm-config ConfigMap: ClusterConfiguration key value pair missing

When running a kubeadm upgrade plan I am getting: [preflight] Running pre-flight checks. [upgrade] Making sure the cluster is healthy: [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct: [upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the…
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Kubernetes upgrade to 1.13.0 gives Forbidden error on kubectl logs

I've recently upgraded my on-premises Kubernetes cluster from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 for obvious reasons, but now my kubectl running on the master node cannot get the container logs anymore from any node, except the master itself. This issue happens on…
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kubernetes: measuring resource/limit efficiency

I'd like to get a feel for how 'efficient' my deployment/jobs are at consuming the resources they request. i.e., if a job that only ends up using 1CPU at peak ends up requesting 320, I'd like to have a dashboard/alert/metric to chase down rogue…
Eddie Parker
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2 answers

How to make an internal load balancer in a google cloud kubernetes instance be accessible from another kubernetes instance in different regions?

I am trying to expose a service inside of a Kubernetes cluster in one Google Cloud Region (us-east) and have it accessible to another Kubernetes cluster in a different region (us-central). I would highly prefer this traffic not use any public IPs…
0 answers

AWS EKS CNI Creating Duplicate Network Interfaces Causing Outages

I'm running an EKS cluster on AWS and I've been having periodic outages recently. I tracked down the issue to duplicate network interfaces on one of my nodes, which I believe are created by the AWS CNI plugin. When the node is created, it has 2…
Jesse Shieh
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Does a pod in Kubernetes inherit every kernel settings from its pod?

I'm trying to see if my pods are using tcp_keepalive_time. When I ssh into my node and run sysctl -a I see that there is value for tcp_keepalive_time, but pods don't have them when run the same command in the pod. In this case, do pods inherit…
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1 answer

Google Cloud Kubernetes pod / job history

I'm looking for a way to see the events that happened in my GCK. Is there a page on Google cloud to see all the pod / job launched today with theirs names and ids ?
0 answers

Send TCP traffic to every endpoint behind a Kubernetes service

I am trying to implement JBoss caching, for some legacy systems, within Kubernetes. JBoss needs for that an IP which will forward packets to every other instance of JBoss running in containers. My idea now has been to implement a ClusterIP service…
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2 answers

helm install a chart and give parameters to the depencie chart

I am trying to use the chart stable/mcrouter for memcache sharding, everything works, but this chart uses a memcache chat as dependencie. I would like to know if I can pass parameters to memcache chart, this is the dependencies file:…
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