Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Best Cloud SQL Proxy setup in Kubernetes Cluster

Based on its github page, it is recommended to be set up as a sidecar container as opposed to a cluster service. My question would be, is there any possible issues (e.g. performance, no. of connections) if I have a lot of pods that has cloud sql…
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Kops and Spot instances with new pricing model

AWS introduced a simpler pricing model: You don’t have to bid for Spot Instances in the new pricing model, and you just pay the Spot price that’s in effect for the current hour for the instances that you launch. Does Kops support querying the…
1 answer

Rolling updates without downtime using kubernetes

Scenario: I got 3 replicas of a service running I want to update its version This is whats happening: The new container will be created As soon the container are switching their status from ContainerCreation to Running kubernetes will start…
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Create Image Pull Secret from Other Secret or Copy Secret from Other Namespace

I've got a problem that I cannot solve nicely it seems. I've got a Kubernetes cluster running on GCP and a custom HELM chart helm/foo. I have multiple instances of the chart running with different names and need to change it so it each runs in its…
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Gcloud: no available volume zone after update to regional cluster

I have executed the following command on a on this point in time three times mirrored regional cluster: gcloud container clusters update proto-cluster-ha-1 --zone europe-north1 --node-locations europe-north1-a Before the execution the cluster was…
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Slow traceroute from GKE pod to GCE VPS

I've been troubleshooting issues with high latency on my GKE pods, and a traceroute yields results like the following when poking the database server for that cluster (which is a GCE VPS, but not part of the cluster): $ traceroute -n -q5 -w30…
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Automatic DB creation with MongoDB in Kubernetes or OpenShift

I have a MongoDB cluster in Kubernetes, it's pushed to Kube with a StatefulSet type of deployment. That part work's good, I can even create 1 DB with variables starting with that... My question is, how do I create more than 1 DB within Mongo at…
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2 answers

how to decently configure net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh_n

We recently had a storm of kernel: neighbour: arp_cache: neighbor table overflow! errors on some nodes of our kubernetes cluster. After research we've figured out that we needed to bump our servers net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh{1,2,3} to match…
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3 answers

Is there a fast way to query for running pods from inside a Kubernetes node?

One can use kubectl describe pods to obtain a list of pods and then post-process to determine the nodes that these pods are running on. However, this command takes over 1 second to run. If I am sshed into a particular Kubernetes node, is there a…
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Rancher 2.0 High Availability and Certificates

I replied to a similar question on the Rancher Forums with no luck: When following the Rancher Docs for a HA install, a sample nginx configuration is provided for the…
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2 answers

ingress google compute cloud ip

I'm trying to setup Ingress to serve from a static IP that I have created with gcloud. However it seems that Ingress does not take that configured one but picks a random new one. The name of that IP Address is homefully-ingress-root and it is…
0 answers

504 Gateway timeout Error when using SSL/K8S/fission serverless

The setup is in Google Cloud Platform. Problem: I will be brief: - Running K8S cluster with fission serverless framework - tested successfully (hello,world) with a LBR/K8S/fission - Installed ssl certificate (used google certification prompts) -…
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1 answer

GCE NGINX Ingress does not use controller

I've installed nginx ingress using helm on Google Cloud Kubernetes. The service, controller and default backend are up and running and I can perform a GET request on the /healthz endpoint. However, when I try to setup my Ingress, it shows a…
1 answer

Java application gets killed in kubernetes while the resource limits and heap size are specified

Background A spring boot Java application is deployed in a kubernetes cluster and gets killed several times per day. I'm using openjdk:8u181-jre for my Java apps. Kubernetes version: v1.11.5 Node os: CentOS 7.4 x64 JAVA_OPTS are set according to…
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Routing an existing path to another pod with nginx in Kubernetes

I have an application (demoapp) in GKE which is exposed to internet with a GCE ingress like this: - host: …
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