Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

GKE ingress unable to connect to healthy service

I've been following the tutorial here: With their code base: You can see how this…
1 answer

Can't see pod logs in Stackdriver UI for cluster deployed on GKE

I deployed an Elasticsearch cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine. I am able to view logs of specific pods with the 'kubectl logs' command from my PC. >kubectl logs es-data-0 ... [2018-06-18T07:35:11,220][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService]…
1 answer

Kubernetes Resource Quotas on Google Kubenetes Engine

Brand new to kubernetes here. I suspect there could be a simple answer to this. Is there a way to disable resource quotas at the cluster level or at least reduce the resource quotas requested by the kube-system pods for very small clusters when…
1 answer

How to do continuous delivery with Kubernetes?

I am trying to run Kubernetes namespace setup and application deployment as part of a pipeline. Normally "apply" commands work with idempotency. Now, if I change a ConfigMap, the pods need to be restarted to pick the change. But "apply"-ing the…
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Unable to access internet on pod in private GKE cluster

I'm currently unable to access/ping/connect to any service outside of Google from my private Kubernetes cluster. The pods are running Alpine linux. Routing Tables /sleepez/api # ip route show table all default via dev eth0 dev…
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Tool for deploying resources to kubernetes cluster

We have a rather extensive set of yaml configuration files that we use to define the deployments, stateful sets, namespaces, services, etc. resources that should be created in the kubernetes API on a cluster. We have experimented with a few tools…
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Gunicorn does not repondes more than 6 requests at a time

To give you some context: I have two server environments running the same app. The first, which I intend to abandon, is a Standard Google App Engine environment that has many limitations. The second one is a Google Kubernetes cluster running my…
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Kubernetes minikube fails to start with error: Invalid user docker from

My server is fedora 27 with SELinux enforced. I am setting Kubernetes. My setup fails early as I can't even create clusters. Below is the error I get: % minikube start --vm-driver kvm2 --logtostderr --v=10 I0214 12:44:01.346196 10856…
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issue in installing ambassador over kubernetes

I am trying to install ambassador over kubernetes. I am getting the ambassdor pods status as CrashLoopBackOff steps followed for installation: 1) kubectl…
Ashish Karki
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How/where to get the ssh keys used when creating an aks cluster with "--generate-ssh-keys" option

We have created a AKS cluster using az aks create .... --generate-ssh-keys ..... How/where can we find the SSH keys that were generated, so we can use them? Thankx
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2 answers

proper shutdown of a kubernetes cluster

Imagine the following scenario: You run a kubernetes cluster in your datacenter, which was deployed with kubeadm. It consists of one masternode (running etcd as a static pod, as deployed by kubeadm) and 3 worker nodes the nodes as virtual machines…
Jeroen Jacobs
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0 answers

Multi-Tenancy (Multi-user) GPU Container Infrastructure Solution

What we need: Several teams from different companies want to share our GPUs for deep learning tasks (three computers with several GPUs each). So manage multiple GPUs for multiple users. Different teams should not have access to the data of other…
2 answers

Broken GKE Backend Health Check Default

I have read this and I understand (I think) the differences between Kubernetes livenessProbes, and the GKE LoadBalancer health checks. My problem is this: I am exposing most of my Kube services via NodePort, which by default creates a new Backend…
4 answers

Errors when using Google Container Engine (GKE) with Google Container Registry (GCR)

In setting up our company infrastructure on Google Container Engine, I'm attempting to place our Docker images in Google Container Registry. When I attempt to start a Deployment using the images hosted on GCR, I'm getting the following errors on…
1 answer

GCP LB with static website and kubernetes

I am trying to migrate an application from AWS to Googles container engine. I have an S3 website (static files) living at my.domain.example and a backend living at the same url, but at the /api path. Basically, i route traffic to the backend if the…