Questions tagged [concurrency]

55 questions
5 answers

NGINX timeout after +200 concurrent connections

This is my nginx.conf (I've updated config to make sure that there is no PHP involved or any other bottlenecks): user nginx; worker_processes 4; worker_rlimit_nofile 10240; pid /var/run/; events { …
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1 answer

How to allow more than two simultanous sessions on Azure

One of our servers is on Azure and we are remotely connecting to it. Unfortunately Azure allows only two users to be logged in at the same time. When the third user tries to log in, he is given the option to disconnect one of the already logged in…
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How can I tell the maximum threads my server can run?

Here is the machine spec: CPU(s): 20 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 10 Socket(s): 2 Based on what I've read so far, these numbers mean that I can run 20 parallel jobs because I have 20 CPUs. However, how…
1 answer

How to circumvent siege concurrency socket select timed out

Being trying to test load capacity of a web site. I am using an aws ubuntu xenial server t2.micro as test client and have SIEGE 3.0.8 and apache benchmark Version 2.3 while ab -c 100 -n 100000 url completes without an issue thes on the other hand…
black sensei
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Limit concurrent connections to Postfix server

I'm having trouble limiting the number of concurrent connections from the same client to my Postfix server. Limiting the maximal number of concurrent processes, from the same or different clients, is done easily. Here are the two parameters that I'm…
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2 answers

How to lock concurrent access to a shared webservice from multiple webservers?

Our production environment consists in n Apache web servers accessed by browsers via a frontal load balancer. Very typical. 99% of our HTTP requests are gracefully handled by this parallelized architecture with no problem. Unfortunately, 1% of the…
Tom Desp
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apache mpm_worker server failed to respond

I'm trying to update our current Apache 2.4.9 configuration from using prefork to worker mpm. I'm doing some simple load testing using jmeter to compare the performance between the 2. My first test is pretty simple, just get a single gif image using…
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2 answers

How does server handle multiple clients on the same port? Multiple sockets or multiple ports?

I have a misundertanding about some networking theory and because I couldn't find a definitive answer online (most resourceas are theory and theory etc without concise examples) I'm asking here. Assuming I have a server with IP that…
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2 answers

Heavy write to Galera cluster - table locked, cluster practically unusable

I set up Galera Cluster on 3 nodes. It works perfectly for reading data. I have done simple application to make some test on the cluster. Unfortunately I have to say that the Cluster fails totally when I try to do some writing. Maybe it can be…
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1 answer

Apache Benchmark is slow from public network, magnitudes faster locally. What are some things I do to speed this up?

I am testing my Linode Ubuntu 14 64bit server out, it's the most basic server available from them. I am using Apache Benchmark to test the server, as well as a multithreaded script I wrote in Python, but more on that later. Using AB I noticed I get…
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2 answers

Tracking down "Connection reset" errors in Linux

I'm handling large numbers of concurrent downloads (approx. 500 per server) using Java. All the files are being downloaded from Amazon S3, and the downloading server is an EC2 m1.large instance. Occasionally, 2 or more of the streams will…
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3 answers

Super simple high performance http server

I´m building a url shortener web application and I would like to know the best architecture to do it in order to provide a fast and reliable service. I would like to have two separate servicies in different machines. The first machine will have…
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Gunicorn does not repondes more than 6 requests at a time

To give you some context: I have two server environments running the same app. The first, which I intend to abandon, is a Standard Google App Engine environment that has many limitations. The second one is a Google Kubernetes cluster running my…
1 answer

Google Cloud SQL / App Engine concurrency limits

I've been using Google App Engine to host my APIs and keep banging up against the limitation of concurrent database connections. The docs say that you can only have up to 12 concurrent connections per "app engine instance"…
0 answers

How does a server (e.g. web) manage multiple request/connections?

I read that apache has a solution to create new thread per new request, but I still have some questions. How is possible that one server can manage thousands (even a milion connection - depends from the app) at the same time? Does this depends from…
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