Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Why are Kubernetes HostPath volumes single-node only?

In Kubernetes, you can create a volume to mount into a pod with type "HostPath" to specify that the storage should be provided by a directory on the node running the pod. The documentation specifies "single node testing only – local storage is not…
Giles Thomas
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kubectl: The connection to the server XXX.XXX.XXXXXX was refused

I am trying to connect to kubernetes master (cluster) in Google Cloud Engine. The error that always I get when the kubectl try to access to kubernetes master is: The connection to the server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX was refused - did you specify the right…
1 answer

Best practices for cluster separation on Google Container Engine / Kubernetes?

We're evaluating GKE and I'm wondering about the recommended strategy for dividing clusters. We have approx 20 sites for different clients in production at the mo. Should each project have its own separate clusters? One for prod and one for stage?…
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Kubernetes DNS Missing [MissingClusterDNS]

I have setup my cluster of 1 master and 1 node from the following guide. CentOS Manual Install after that I am just trying to deploy the dashboard (or anything for that matter) and I get following error in kubectl get events 25m 1h …
Rohit Hazra
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2 answers

RAID0 Local SSD on Google Container Engine

I would like to use Local SSD for one of my applications, however the data is > 350GB, so I would need to use 2 of them. gce auto mounts and formats the SSDs into /mnt/disks/ssdx, but is there any way I could get the VM to RAID0 the SSDs before…
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NGINX Dynamic Proxy Pass Resolver

Trying to setup an api gateway in Kubernetes with nginx. I am trying to follow the single subdomain pattern with the path specifying the service and version. -> http://servicev0/api/resource/10 Ignoring the…
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kubectl "failed to negotiate an api version"

Hello since yesterday morning I'm running into issues trying to access one of my Kubernetes cluster hosted on Google container engine. I had never had problem until it started to fail but now each kubectl command I try to execute fails by telling…
2 answers

Fedora-atomic image with latest docker and kubernetes installed

Latest fedora-atomic 24 image from fedora web-site contains docker 1.10.3 and kubernetes 1.2.0. I'm trying to find a way to create atomic image with latest docker(1.12.1) and kubernetes (1.3.5). As I understand, I can create package repository at…
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2 answers

Pre-populating GCE persistent disks while building and/or before running Docker image on GKE

I would like to build a Docker container and then run it in GKE after mounting some directories from GCE persistent disks (PDs). For instance, I'd like for the application's (read-write) configuration files in /etc// to live longer than…
1 answer

Can't reach a Kubernetes service on a guest node

I have tried to run the guestbook example in Kubernetes Github repository but I can't reach this service from my local host. My test enviroment consists of two virtual machines (with CentOS7) provisioned by CloudStack, with OpenShift Origin…
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3 answers

Exposing service in Kubernetes

I'm new in Kubernetes and there are some doubts I have. I have setup a Kubernetes cluster that consists of one master/node and one node. I have deployed a very simple NodeJS-based app, using Deployment kind with 2 replicas. Then, I have exposed it…
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1 answer

Kubernetes upgrade rolled back machine type

My kubernetes cluster is running in Google Container Engine. Once before I changed the machine-type by using a different instance template. I am upgrading the kubernetes cluster with following command gcloud container clusters upgrade CLUSTER_NAME…
2 answers

Running OpenVPN within k8s container

Suppose I have a k8s cluster whose services IP range is Now I want this IP range to be accessible from another cluster or data center. Is it feasible to run OpenVPN within kubernetes POD so that this IP range is accessible via VPN?
1 answer

Kubernetes on AWS EC2 - Modify --max-pods in scaling group

We are running containers on Kubernetes on Amazon AWS. This cluster was created via the kube-up set of scripts. Everything was provisioned correctly and working fine. We ran into a snag however - our fairly large servers, c4.xlarges, are only…
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1 answer

Single Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster/instance across datacenters?

As posted on SO (not sure which community is best suited?) With the understanding that Ubernetes is designed to fully solve this problem, is it currently possible (not necessarily recommended) to span a single K8/OpenShift cluster across multiple…