Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How to configure Kubernetes with multiply NIC / VLAN on vSphere?

Playing with provisioning of Kubernetes cluster on vSphere using Kubespray and Terraform to automate deployment process (no problems with that). My goal is to have ability to connect Pods to different VLANs (or Port Groups), so then each app will…
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How can I set a deadline/timeout for each try (backoffLimit) in a Kubernetes Job?

I have a Job that I'd like to retry a few times in Kubernetes. A Job can have a backoffLimit and a activeDeadlineSeconds set. Cool so far. However, the latter setting takes precedence over the first, unfortunately. My Job blocks for a long time…
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kubernetes drain master node before a reboot

If I were to do a sudo reboot on a Kubernetes master node, would Kubernetes be smart enough to drain itself from the cluster? Say I have a web service running one pod that happened to land on the master node. If I were to "sudo reboot" the master…
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2 answers

Deploy hundreds of thousands of short lived jobs per day

I have a system that needs to deploy hundreds of thousands of short-lived jobs per day. Each job runs anywhere from a few seconds, to a couple of hours. Each job makes HTTP requests to external web servers, writes data to disk (anywhere from a few…
1 answer

When upgrading nodes, why does kubernetes terminate pods before the new pod is in a ready state?

As you can see in the picture below, when upgrading nodes to a new version of Kubernetes, the pods on each node are recreated on a new node with a newer version of Kubernetes. However, it seems that the old pods are being destroyed (Terminating)…
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0 answers

kubectl (version v1.15.0) on windows is not able to display the tabular output using 'get' command with default content type

kubectl version v1.15.0 was not able to list the pods (and other resources) in tabular form of content type using 'get' command. kubectl get pods Error from server (NotAcceptable): the server was unable to respond with a content type that the client…
Ashish Verma
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0 answers

kubernetes - routing between nodes to the target pod

I am currently writing my thesis about kubernetes and would like to know how the underlying network architecture is implemented. As a basis for my work I installed kubernetes from scratch. For this I use three nodes and the master. As network model…
Volker Raschek
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1 answer

systemd process with uncommon CPU usage on Kubernetes cluster

I'm running a single master/node Kubernetes cluster in a CentOS 7 virtual machine, and I realized that the systemd process (as PID 1) is constantly making using of CPU. [root@ip-10-0-0-66 ~]# ps aux | head -n2 USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS…
Eduardo Baitello
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2 answers

Google cloud service account not found

I have an infrastructure running on google cloud using GKE. Today the prometheus pods got evicted and were not able to recover. After describing the pod I found this error. Warning FailedMount 2m17s (x42 over 95m) kubelet,…
1 answer

Is there such a Chef service that managed by K8s?

I'm looking for a way to manage a Chef into my K8s cluster. My cluster is scaling up and down and I need a way to bootstrap different dependencies for each new node in the namespace. My nodes are in AWS cloud and I'm aware for the userData but it's…
1 answer

EKS suddenly failing with disk pressure

We have an EKS cluster with two t3.small nodes with 20Gi of ephemeral storage. The cluster runs only two small Nodejs (node:12-alpine) applications for now. This worked perfectly for a few weeks, and now suddenly we're getting disk pressure…
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kubectl delete pv says "deleted" but hangs and the PV still exists (AWS)

I have a StatefulSet (see with a volumeClaimTemplate and a corresponding StorageClass definition. I run on AWS EKS. I realized there was a…
Jakub Holý
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2 answers

kubectl top node doesn't work. Looks like an issue with heapster

I have a fresh k8s cluster on gke. Whenever I run kubectl top node gke-data-custom-vm-6-25-0cbae9b9-hrkc I get Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the requested resource (get services http:heapster:) At the same time I have…
Korjavin Ivan
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ECR IAM policy document for EKS node access

What is the correct way to manage EKS node access to ECR via the IAM policy documents when I want to limit who can start jobs using different images? In a simplified example, I have users A and B and ECR repositories C and D. User A has access to…
Ai Su
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3 answers

How to grant a Service Principal access to AKS API when RBAC and AAD integration are activated?

I need to grant a process (build pipeline) RBAC access to AKS API for deployment purposes. But the target AKS cluster has AAD integration active (as described here) I was expecting to be able to access the AKS API's with a simple Service Principal,…
Olivier Dauby
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