Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
0 answers

MS-SQL connection (from kubernetes) with IP and instancename not working; port is working

Situation: MS-SQL Server <--> Local Network <-- VPN --> Google Kubernetes <--> Pod (sql-client) our local network is connected via VPN to our Google Kubernetes cluster the ms-sql server is running in our local network one pod tries to open one…
1 answer

Setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Nginx Ingress Controller

Could somebody write up the steps of setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Nginx Ingress Controller for Google Kubernetes Engine? I followed this GKE tutorial for a basic Ingress. It got a Forwarding Rule in Load Balancing tab in the end. I guess if I…
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controllers log to Stackdriver

I'm using Nginx Ingress Controller on GKE and I want to send its logs to Stackdriver with the following format At the moment it’s just sending the plain text payload.…
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How do I deploy a single code base to multiple customers each with unique environment variables?

I'm writing a platform to automate the day to day runnings of a business, this is to be a SaaS offering with each customer having its own database's. I'm currently using the following; Gitlab (Git Repo with many DevOps based tools), Sentry (Error…
1 answer

Securing Kubernetes API port

We have a Kubernetes cluster (kube-)sprayed over 4 nodes running CoreOS. Our most important services will run in this Kubernetes environment and we are trying to do everything we can to make it as secure as possible, however we plant to expose the…
1 answer

Failed to connect to host with RKE

I have the following cluster.yml file: nodes: - address: user: rke role: - controlplane - etcd - worker When executing rke up, I get the following error: INFO[0000] Building Kubernetes cluster …
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3 answers

Helm under MicroK8S giving: "Error: could not find a ready tiller pod"

I need learn about Kubernetes, Helm, conjure-up and also need install Eclipe-Che, and to it I did: On a fresh install of [Ubuntu 18.04.2 Server X64] running as virtual machine inside vmware workstation Im installing MicroK8S and Helm. Its on a fresh…
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cert-manager tls.crt and ca.crt 0 bytes

I am practicing k8s on cert-manager topic. I had carefully followed the official docs. The everything went fine. Until I stuck at step7 $ kubectl get certificate NAME quickstart-example-tls This is first minor different. I should has AGE column.…
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1 answer

Why is Kubernetes (AWS EKS) registering all workers to the Load Balancer?

I want to know whether this is a default behaviour or something wrong with my setup. I have 150 workers running on kubernetes. I made a set of kubernetes workers (10 workers) run only a specific deployment using nodeSelector, I created a service…
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Connects to OpenVPN but no access to local network or internet in Kubernetes GKE with Calico

I've been using VPN (openvpn in helm) to access internal services in my cluster for development. I enabled network policy in nodes in GKE to manage access of services, that enabled Calico network in my network, after this my openvpn connection…
1 answer

Why do pods on a node that was recreated after being preempted get stuck in ContainerCreating?

I had a pod created by a deployment running on a preemptible node in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. The node was preempted and recreated. There were several FailedCreatePodSandBox events complaining: network: stat /var/lib/calico/nodename: no…
1 answer

Kubernetes: 502 Bad Gateway for some assets - with Nginx Ingress

I've configured a Kubernetes cluster as follows: Webapp pod (with a Vue.js and an API, both within each container) Nginx ingress config (with default-http-backend) Database pod (which doesn't seem to be the problem here) Kube lego (for SSL, in a…
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1 answer

Change serviceSubnet in Kubernetes

I have a running k8s cluster with default serviceSubnet range. What is the procedure to change it? So far I tried with: kubeadm config upload from-flags --service-cidr I can see in kubeadm config view that is changed, but services…
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2 answers

Kubernetes metrics-server having SSL trouble

We have tried to set up metrics server in our kubernetes cluster, and it keeps failing. I am a bit unsure where I went wrong. The cluster has been set up and upgraded using kubeadm on existing hardware. I see that during a lot of operations…
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1 answer

Unable to delete daemonSet in k8s

I've created a daemonSet in k8s under the namespace kube-system. While trying to delete the deamonSet it got stuck (also when I force it) I've already tried to set a updateStrategy: RollingUpdate To the Yaml and kubectl apply reports that:…