Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Can't reach cluster virtual IP from pods, but can from worker nodes

I'm having trouble with pods not being able to 'talk' to cluster IPs (virtual IPs fronting pods) in my Kubernetes cluster. I've been following along with "Kubernetes the hard way" by Kelsey Hightower, however I've converted it all to run the…
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How to change rancher single-install cert from self-signed cert to signed by CA cert

How to change rancher single-install cert from self-signed cert to signed by CA cert? I tried to backup the rancher container and created a new one with --no-cacerts. All the data seems gone. Afterwards, I created new admin account and tried to…
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3 answers

Kubernetes API-server wont' start after reboot

Every time I install Kubernetes 1.15.3 it works great, until I reboot the VM and then it no longer listens on port 6443. Swap is off. /etc/tab only contains the root volume on my Ubuntu 18.04 server VM. Note, using flannel cat /proc/swaps Filename …
Dave Brunkow
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3 answers

NFS-Client Provisioner stucked at ContainerCreating

I followed this( link and installed an NFS server in my cluster with blow yaml file: kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name:…
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1 answer

No DNS resolution and Internet access from Kubernetes POD on Windows

I’ve built a cluster (v1.15.4) on hyper-v with - linux node (master) - linux node (worker) - windows node (worker) - networking - flannel (host-gw) - mac spoofing enabled for vms deployed win-webserver.yaml to test if windows is…
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In Helm Kubernetes config, how can I share many environment vars between multiple deployment files

We're using Helm to deploy our app to K8s. In 4 different deployment files (one for each service) and a job file for migrations, we have to have an identical set of env variables. Whenever we need to add a new one, we need to add it to all 5 files.…
Luke Cousins
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2 answers

ERROR: (gcloud.auth.activate-service-account) Could not read json file /root/gcloud-service-key.json: No JSON object could be decoded

I'm getting the below error when running CI/CD pipeline in GitLab. $ echo "$GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY" > ${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json $ gcloud auth activate-service-account…
0 answers

What steps should I take to secure a microk8s installation in 'production'?

Is microk8s secure enough to use in 'production'? Are there any steps that I should take to secure microk8s if the server it is running on is accessible to the internet? I’m considering using microk8s for something-close-to-production use. I…
Tom Bull
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1 answer

What is needed to use kubernetes port forwarding through a proxy?

I have a kubernetes cluster that I can reach through an nginx proxy. I can do kubectl get deployments -n kube-system without issue. However, I'm trying to use helm. Helm is throwing an error: Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection:…
cat pants
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1 answer

suspend a deployment/replicaset to stop a CrashLooping Pod from looping

i have a pod that is in CrashLoopBackOff. the reason is clear, i will have to migrate a database-schema to fix that before the container may retry looping. i understand that the pod is supposed to crash-loop but i need to pause this. if kubectl…
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Unable to resize Ceph RBD PVC in Kubernetes

So I have a 4 node (VMs) Kubernetes cluster spun up with Kubespray. I have a Ceph cluster set up from Proxmox, and a pool is available to k8s. I can make deployments using Ceph just fine. But when I want to resize the container, I run into a long…
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How to enable autoscaling/v2beta2 in google cloud

While following the tutorial found here I saw that I need autoscaling/v2beta2 for having custom metrics for the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, but don't know how to enable it. Environment details: Google Cloud platform Kubernetes version 1.13.7-gke.8…
1 answer

`kubectl get pods -l job-name` returns multiple pods when a job was recently deleted

I'm running a kubernetes job, deleting it, then starting it again in rapid succession. I'm using the following command to get the pod related to my job so I can run kubectl logs $POD. kubectl get pods -l job-name=myjob…
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2 answers

How to keep Authentication header with redirect using NGINX ingress annotations

I have an nginx ingress controller for my kubernetes cluster. I have a need to add a permanent redirect to an ingress which I can successfully do with "" This works great, except…
G. Ball
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2 answers

Kubernetes: run aws s3 sync/rsync against persistent volume on demand

Is there a way in Kubernetes to trigger a job to run on my containers on demand? The use case is to be able to have the containers sync from S3 to a persistent volume on demand. In the application's current architecture, new content is added to S3…