Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
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IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003: HTTP 404 error on Virtual directory; system cannot find the file specified (win32 status code 2)

Very strange problem. I am running Windows Server 2003, with IIS 6.0. In one of the websites, there are three virtual directories: A, B, and C. For whatever reason, and, from my understanding, nobody touched the box, A and C are having a major…
1 answer

Nginx returning "404 Not Found" when invoking the upload module

I've set up Nginx and the upload module following Martin Fjordvald's guide, but whenever I submit a file to it, I receive Nginx's generic "404 Not Found" page. The file is not uploaded. Here's my nginx.conf: user nginx…
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Serve empty 404 page with mod_rewrite

I have a Drupal website which contains the below default mod_rewrite rules RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/server-status …
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IIS 6.0 / 2003 giving 404 error after period of time

I have a local development server running Windows Server 2003 that hosts a few applications running on IIS 6.0. I can connect to these said applications just fine but after an unknown period of time they are unreachable, giving me 404 errors. I'm…
Bryan Roth
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Re-uploading file with unicode filename creates identical duplicate

I'm running a Django site on a Debian 6 system, with a gunicorn server and nginx 0.7.67 handling static files. The filesystem locale is set to sv_SE.UTF-8. I got a problem where another user uploaded a file with a filename containing unicode…
Samuel Linde
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Nginx cant serve files with special symbols in them?

So in browser i request a file that i know it exists 3a1c2aa4d488ae4d?s=40?f=78 but it gives me a 404 error and in log says that it couldn't find file named 3a1c2aa4d488ae4d. For some reason it cuts the part of the filename after ? and tries to…
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Caching 404s - NGINX or Varnished?

I'm looking for a solution to cache 404s in long term (a few days/weeks) on the webserver. My current setup is NGINX with memcached_pass proxy and PHP-FPM to deliver uncached pages (PHP also writes the contents to memcached). The crawlers all around…
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HTTP 404 - /docs/appdev/ on fresh netbeans tomcat 7 install

As part of re-installing NetBeans 7.0.1, I had Tomcat 7.0.14 installed too on my PC. I created a manager role too. I can access http://localhost:8084/manager/html successfully.
Jérôme Verstrynge
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Weird 404 issue with nginx 's.png'

This URL is invalid: However, if I replace the 's' at the end before .png, with ANY other standard character (that I've tried so far, it works fine. ALSO, I had previously been using…
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Why am I getting a 404 at the root domain of my website in IIS 6?

I have a client who setup SiteMinder on our server and I need to add a web app to the website directory that is the root of the domain. When they browse it redirects them to their server, authenticates user, comes back and lands on a…
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Wordpress escaped encoded (hex) URL case sensitive problem

I have been experiencing a problem yesterday. My site is in Hebrew language. MY site is built on Wordpress. The problem is related to escaped encoded posts URL only. IF the post URL has escaped encode in uppercase it works, if in lowercase, it…
Liron Harel
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nginx PHP files 404

I am getting 404 not found on php files with my nginx/php-fastcgi install. I have tried several variations of declaring root in different places but cant find one that works, and I suspect this is something to do with it. Here are my config files,…
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handling 404s at nginx instead of upstream server

To be more performant, we'd like to allow nginx to catch 404s before passing it off to the upstream apache server. Both servers have the same files. More Info We have a popular setup of serving static content on nginx and using apache upstream to…
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redmine gives 404 error after installation

I am using Debian squeeze with nginx and mysql. After raking db and loading default data to redmine. When i try to visit redmine in a browser, http://ipaddress:8080/redmine, I get a 404 error Page not found The page you were trying to access…
1 answer

Is It Possible To Get 404 Errors Plus Content Back?

With Apache, is it possible to send a 404 status header, but then send valid content? Because that's what's happening right now with on right now. The web logs show all connections (besides the homepage) to be a…
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