Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
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Lighttpd: redirect any request to index.html

I'm trying to send any request to the index.html with lighttpd in order to prevent 404 but I'm not smart enough because either the redirect matches itself or, for calls to subdirs, although the index.html gets served, it is not served from document…
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War deployed in Tomcat not showing up at URL, getting 404 instead

I have a web app which Tomcat says it has deployed, but when I go to its URL, I get a 404. The war file is called sonar.war, and is deployed in WebApps. I can see in the logs that it is deploying (also by the fact that it will recreate its database…
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Error 404 when accesing newly created ASP.NET website on IIS 7.0

I've created an ASP.NET website and published it to a file from visual studio. Then I've copied my folder to the inetpub\wwwrot directory. Next under IIS I've converted this folder to the application. Unfortunately, when I try to acces it like this:…
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Is there an apache module to slow down site scans?

I am administering a few web servers. Each night, random hosts from the Internet are probing them for various vulnerabilities in php, phpadmin, horde, mysqladmin, etc. Is there a way (apache plugin?) to slow down the rate of attack? For SSH, I…
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How to configure custom error page in Plesk 9.3 for non existing folder?

I'm trying to configure Plesk in order to show website visitors a custom error html. The current hosted site is an ASP.NET site. This site shows its custom errors on error403.aspx and error404.aspx files. Now to comply with plesk, I've created…
Junior Mayhé
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Problem with custom 404 page

Don't know if this question is appropriate here. I created an Alias directed to the root folder of the website (right now running on localhost). In the root folder, I have a custom 404 page, and I've added a .htaccess file in that folder with the…
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NGINX block location access and redirect to custom error page

I have a issue with my NGINX setting with redirecting to a custom error page on another location (incl. css, images, js) if a error page should be thrown. At first I would like to block access to an folder (like .git). This can be easily done via…
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Why is Apache2 not finding my WSGI app?

In my previous question, I asked how to make mod_wsgi use a specific Python version. Following the answer from that question, I created a Python 3.9 virtual environment and made WSGI use it. However, now my Flask app is not running at all - I just…
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How should I minimize the impact of 404 web traffic?

Recently one of the sites I work on started seeing some strange traffic to URL's that don't exist and never have. Pages…
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How to use local error_page when remote error_page not found?

I'm trying to create a fallback for my error_page. Basically, the logic should be something like the following: load foobar.html does not exist on remote server -> load 404.html from remote server to show 404 page does not exist on remote…
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Nginx - Laravel routes not working in a sub directory

I am trying to run laravel on aws server in a sub-directory, the website functions properly when pointed to root location, but when pointing it to a sub-directory in a URL the routes does not work, i can see the welcome page in laravel in the sub…
2 answers

ASPX throws "404 The resource cannot be found"

I'm deploying a website under a virtual directory using IIS. For some strange reason, Default.html works, but Default.aspx throws a 404. I have tried these: There's another virtual directory that contains an older version of the application and…
1 answer

WordPress site not throwing 404 for invalid URLs | Nginx - Ubuntu 16.04

I've set up a LEMP environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine, following the How To Install WordPress with LEMP on Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial on DigitalOcean's community archive. All works great, except for when navigating to page that doesn't exist (e.g:…
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nginx set different document root for a proxypass

I'm just trying to run a nodejs app I made on a proxypass domain, and have it work exactly as it did on my desktop. However, for some reason, even though I defined a seperate document root for this proxypass path, it didn't load the files from it.…
Jake t
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Disable cache for 404 ONLY, in apache 2.2

Is there any method to call RESPONSE_CODE in http.conf file --> check if it is ="404" --> Disable cache for 404 ONLY.. P.S. I am using Apache 2.2. For apache 2.4 I saw some help as below: Header always unset ETag…
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