Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
2 answers

mod_jk status page not working

I am doing clustering in Tomcat 7 with Apache server. It is working fine too. However I have the following issues: 1) I am trying to monitor the mod_jk status page; but it is giving 404 error. 2) in Log following error is shown - [Tue Dec 17…
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DNS issue on Windows SBS2008 - Some external websites unavailable

Since few weeks, some websites are suddently unavailable. We are getting a 404 - The web page requested cannot be displayed. Basically, the only way to fix this is when I restart the DNS client/server on the server. The server is up to date but I…
1 answer

Using nginx and Drupal, how do I serve a 404 error for static files and directories that exist?

I deploy a Drupal web site using git (well, OK, the developers deploy it; I try to keep them out of trouble), and for that reason the site has a directory .git and a file .gitignore in the document root. Currently the permissions on the files are…
Michael Hampton
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How to fix "404 not found" error on nginx configuration

I just installed nginx on debian, and do basic configuration(add server part) in nginx.conf file user www-data; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /var/run/; events { worker_connections 1024; #…
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8 answers

Why won't IIS execute my custom 404 page? It tries to serve up the raw source code instead

I'm trying to configure Custom Errors in IIS6. I select the 404 error, set the dropdown to "URL," then enter this as the URL "/404.aspx" When go to: It finds 404.aspx, but doesn't process it as a .Net page -- it tries…
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Tomcat mod_jk cluster skip 404 http status

I am trying Tomcat Clustering with mod_jk for months and so far not so bad but facing a problem during deployment. I am using FarmDeployer to copy and deploy the WAR to other nodes in the cluster but most of the time the WAR is not deployed properly…
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Nameserver Issue?

I have a domain registered with and yesterday I changed my nameservers to my host, but then I decided to switch my host at the last minute and changed them again. Now, 24 hours or so later, the site will still occasionally pull up…
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4 answers

How can I prevent Apache from logging 404 errors?

So, whenever a user tries to fetch a file on my Apache server that doesn't exist I get a 404 line in the Access log: [29/Sep/2010:12:14:45 +0200] "GET /asdf HTTP/1.1" 404 And I also get this in the Error log: [Wed Sep 29 12:14:45 2010] [error]…
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3 answers

Drupal admin section - Page not found

After upgrading to Drupal 6.12 I can no longer access the admin section on my site - I get a page not found error. Things I've been able to test/check: I have clean URLs enabled but trying to bypass them doesn't work either, and urls in the rest of…
Robert MacLean
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1 answer

What is notified-SplashPage?

I'm seeing a lot of notified-SplashPage and verify-SplashPage entries showing up in our apache error log [Wed Jan 20 15:00:22 2010] [error] [client xxxxx] File does not exist: /home/site/htdocs/notified-SplashPage, referer:…
Rik Heywood
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1 answer

If file exists, redirect to a certain file, else redirect to 404 from htaccess

I have this tree: libs/ html/ app/ uploads/ files/ images/ male.png female.png .htaccess download.php .htaccess index.php /.htaccess has this content:
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Nginx redirect all 403 to 404?

I'm trying to get 403 responses to be exactly identical to 404 ones. Not sure if there's a proper way to do it, but setting error_page 403 404 is my current method. Which works, but it rewrites the url to for 403's while regular 404's…
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2 answers

Make Nginx route non-existent files to WordPress for 404 error handling?

I configured my WordPress website on Nginx and almost everything works as expected. I get the WordPress 404 for every non-existent page as expected -- except for non-existent .php pages! Those return the nginx default 404 page not found. Why is…
1 answer

Error 404 with all pages but index in WordPress over Apache

I'm developing a simple WordPress theme but the only page I can test is home. All other pages (single pages, articles, archive, etc.) display error 404 (even when I use the default theme). I read that it could be because I needed a .htaccess file,…
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1 answer

Is it possible to set the Status-Line header with Apache's Header directive?

My searches have turned up blank... I'm trying to change the 403 Forbidden status of the response to a 404 Not Found status with this line: Header set Status-Line "HTTP/1.1 404" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 403" However, this is having no effect. I…
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